Configuring Email Notification for File Transfer Completion

You can configure TIBCO MFT Internet Server server to send email notification messages to authorized users upon transfer completion.

You can send transfer completion messages on success and failure. You can send the success and failure emails to different email addresses.

To use this support, the Email Success Template and Email Failure Template parameters must be defined and the target email addresses must be defined.

To implement transfer completion email notification, perform the following steps:


  1. Define the email template files.
    You can define the email template file either through the Administration > System Configuration options or through the Transfer option.
    Note: If the template is defined in both places, the Internet Server transfer definition overrides the TIBCO MFT Internet Server system configuration definition.
  2. Define the target email addresses.
    Email file completion support is enabled by entering the target email address in the Success Recipient and Failure Recipient fields in the Email Notification section in the Internet Server transfer definition. You can send the email notifications to several different email addresses (separated by commas). Likewise, you can choose to send notification on success but not on failure, or vice versa.

What to do next

After the configuration parameters are defined, you can run a transfer. If the transfer is successful, the email will be sent to the email address of the user defined by the Success Recipient field.

Note: Completion email notification is sent only if the file transfer was actually started. If an error occurs before the transfer is started, no email will be sent.