
The ListUploadFiles command action is used to display a list of all file definitions that the user can upload.

The CFInternet client communicates with the TIBCO MFT Internet Server defined by the Global.xml file. It extracts a list of all files that the user can upload and displays the list of files.

Parameter Description Default Required
SubDir For directory uploads, if required, specifies TIBCO MFT Internet Server to scan subdirectories for files to transfer.

For directory downloads, if required, specifies TIBCO MFT Internet Server to process data in TIBCO MFT Internet Server subdirectories.

When No is specified, TIBCO MFT Internet Server processes files only in the defined directory.

When Yes is defined, TIBCO MFT Internet Server processes files in subdirectories as well as in the defined directory.

This parameter is valid only for TIBCO MFT Internet Server file definitions defined with the directory flag. It is ignored for all other requests.

This parameter is supported on all List and Process calls.

None No

Sample ListUploadFiles Command

The sample command below shows how to list files that are defined for upload.

java cfcc.CFInternet a:ListUploadFiles