Database Pooling Parameters

DB pooling parameters are used to configure database pooling.

The following table lists the DB pooling parameters:
Parameter Default Description
DataBasePoolingFlag APACHE Defines whether connection pooling is supported.

APACHE: Indicates that connection pooling is used.

None: Indicates that connection pooling is not used.

MaxActive 400 Defines the maximum number of active connections available to database pooling.

400 active connections should be sufficient for all but the most active MFT system.

MaxIdle 20 Defines the maximum number of idle connections that must be kept in the database pool at all times.
MaxWaitTime 1 Defines the time in minutes that database pooling waits for a connection before the connection request fails.
MinEvictableIdleTime 4 Defines the time in minutes that a connection must be idle before it is eligible for eviction.
MinIdle 10 Defines the minimum number of idle connections that must be kept in the database pool at all times.
TestOnBorrow true Defines whether existing connections in the pool must be tested before use.

It is good practice to set this parameter to true.

TestOnReturn false Defies whether existing connections in the pool must be tested after being used and returned to the pool.

It is good practice to set this parameter to false.

TestWhileIdle true Defines whether connections should be tested while they are idle. Connections are tested based on the interval defined by the TimeBetweenEvictionRuns parameter.
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 2 Defines the time in minutes to sleep between execution of the idle connection validation classes.
ValidationQuery SELECT COUNT(1) FROM FtpSrvCfg Defines the query executed when the TestOnBorrow, TestOnReturn or TestWhileIdle parameter is set to true.
ValidatonQueryTimeout 1 The timeout in seconds before a connection validation query fails.
removeAbandoned true

Defines whether to remove abandoned connections if they exceed the removeAbandonedTimout. If set to true, a connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been idle longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout.

removeAbandonedTimeout 60 Defines the timeout in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed..
logAbandoned false

Defines whether to log stack traces for an application code which abandoned a statement or connection. (This parameter is used for debugging purposes only)

In order to see logging of abandoned connections you must set logAbandoned to true in the web.xml and add the following line at the end of the file in the server/conf directory. org.apache.

tomcat.jdbc.pool.level = ALL

It should show up in the console or in the catalina.log file