
The SearchForAudits command action searches for all audit records that match the defined selection criteria.

You can use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard character for SOAP and the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character for REST in defined parameters to select file records based on a partial key.

Note: Detailed information is displayed for all audit records that match the selection criteria.

To use the SearchForAudits command, you must have AdministratorRight. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command.

Parameter Description Default Required
Specifies the AS2 MDN status.
  • S: Success
  • F: Failure
  • P: Pending
None No
AuditId Specifies the 12character audit ID that is assigned when the audit record is added.

This parameter supports wildcard characters.

None No
ClientFileName Specifies the 1 to 256 character file name/location on the client machine.

If the file name/location contains embedded blanks the entire filename should be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").

This parameter supports wildcard characters.

None No
Days Specifies the number of days to be searched.

The way that the Days parameter is used depends on whether the FromDate and ToDate parameters are defined:

  • Both FromDate and ToDate defined – Days is ignored.
  • Only FromDate defined – The Days parameter defines the number of days after the FromDate that are searched.
  • Only ToDate defined – The Days parameter defines the number of days before the ToDate that are searched.
  • Neither FromDate nor ToDate defined – Days defines the number of days before the current date that are searched.
  • FromDate, ToDate and Days not defined – TIBCO MFT Internet Server scans for today’s audit records only.
Note: Days gives the total number of days that are scanned. If you specify FromDate:2004/12/01 and Days:10 parameters, then TIBCO MFT Internet Server scans from 2004/12/01 until 2004/12/10; this searches a total of 10 days.
1 No
Department Specifies the department for the audit search. None No
FileId (Transfer Id) Specifies the 12character transfer ID that is assigned when the file definition is added. None No
FromDate Specifies the start date for your audit search.

This can be combined with either the ToDate or Days parameter to define the dates to be returned. The format of the FromDate is YYYY/MM/DD.

This parameter does not support wildcard characters.

None No
FromTime Specifies the start time for your audit search.

This time is relative to the starting date only. The search starts from the FromTime on the FromDate and extend to the ToTime on the ToDate. The format of the FromTime is HHMM and the time is defined using military time (0000-2359).

This parameter does not support wildcard characters.

None No
LocalTransactionId Specifies the 10 character MFT local transaction ID that is assigned by TIBCO MFT Internet Server when the file transfer started.

This parameter supports wildcard characters.

None No
Node Name Specifies the name of the node for the audit search. None No
Process Name Specifies the name of the process for the audit search. None No
Server Name Specifies the name of the server for the audit search. None No
ServerFileName Specifies the 1 to 256 character file name/location of the server machine.

If the NodeName is *LOCAL, the ServerFileName would be located on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server. If the file name/location contains embedded blanks, the entire file name must be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").

This parameter supports wildcard characters.

None No
ServerType(as known as Audit Type) Specifies the server type:
  • I: Internet Server
  • P: Platform Server
  • B: both
None No
ToDate Specifies the end date for the audit search.

This can be combined with either the FromDate or Days parameter to define the dates to be returned. The format of the ToDate is YYYY/MM/DD. The ToDate must be greater than the FromDate.

None No
ToTime Specifies the end time for the audit search.

This time is relative to the ending date only. The search starts from the FromTime on the FromDate and extend to the ToTime on the ToDate. The format of the ToTime is HHMM and the time is defined using military time (0000-2359).

This parameter does not support wildcard characters.

None No
TransferStatus Specifies whether you want to extract successful transfers, failed transfers, or both. The valid values are as follows:
  • S: successful transfers to be returned.
  • F: failed transfers to be returned.

If you want both successful and failed transfers to be returned, you should omit this field.

This parameter does not support wildcard characters.

None Returns both successful and failed transfers. No
TransferUserId Specifies the 1 to 32 characters MFT user ID that TIBCO MFT Internet Server used to initiate the file transfer request with MFT.

MFT user IDs can be defined in the file record, node records or by the user profile record.

This parameter supports wildcard characters.

None No
User Data Specifies information about the user for the audit search. None No
Virtual Alias Specifies the virtual alias. None No

Sample SearchForAudits Command

This command searches for all audit records that match the selection criteria. It searches for all failed transfers with node NYNode1 within the past five days.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:SearchForAudits NodeName:NYNode TransferStatus:F Days:5