FTP System Server Methods

Method Description
updateFtpSrvConfig Updates the MFT FTP system server configuration record.

The user calling this method must have AdministratorRight and cannot be assigned to a department.

When performing an update only set the fields that you want to update in the FTPServerConfig object. The rest of the fields will be null.

To update a field to become null:

  • String objects should be set to be an empty string (for example: "").
  • The members of DateTime objects should be set to zero.
getFtpSrvConfig Gets the MFT FTP system server configuration record for a given host.

If the FTPServerConfig object is not found, a null is returned.

The user calling this method must have AdministratorRight and cannot be assigned to a department.

getFTPServerStatus Retrieves status from the MFT FTP system server.

The user calling this method must have AdministratorRight and cannot be assigned to a department.

retrieveAllFTPSrvConfigs Gets the MFT FTP system server configuration record.

The user calling this method must have AdministratorRight and cannot be assigned to a department.

removeFTPSrvConfig Removes the MFT FTP system server configuration record for a given host.

The user calling this method must have AdministratorRight and cannot be assigned to a department.