
The AddServer command action is used to add a node definition to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.

The node definition contains information about the remote system. You only have to define node definitions when you are connecting to a remote system. If you are storing files locally, you do not have to define node definitions. To use the AddServer command the user must have UpdateServerRight. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command action.

In the following table, parameters for this command are provided in alphabetical order.
Note: The parameters provided in this table are also used for the UpdateServer command.
Parameter Description Default Required
AmazonAWSAuthentication (s3awsa) Specifies how to authenticate to Amazon AWS when the server type is Amazon S3. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • SK: secret key
  • EC2: EC2 metadata
  • SAML: SAML IDP form
None No
AmazonS3NumberOfUploadBuffers (ubc) Specifies the Amazon S3 number of upload buffers (1-10). It should be less than or equal to the number of upload threads. None No
AmazonS3NumberOfUploadThreads (utc) Specifies the Amazon S3 number of upload threads (1-10). None No
AmazonS3Region (reg) Specifies the Amazon S3 region. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • GovCloud
  • US_EAST_1
  • US_EAST_2
  • US_WEST_1
  • US_WEST_2
  • EU_WEST_1
  • EU_WEST_2
  • AP_SOUTH_1
  • SA_EAST_1
  • CN_NORTH_1
None No
AmazonS3UploadChunkSize (ucs) Specifies the Amazon S3 upload chunk size. None No
AmazonSAMLIDPFormJSONFile (s3sifj) The JSON file that is used to connect to the SAML IDP server to extract credentials. None No
AmazonServerSideEncryption (s3encry) Specifies the Amazon server side encryption. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • S: Amazon S3-Managed Keys
  • K: AWS KMS-Managed Keys
None No
AS2EncryptPublicKeyFile (as2epkfile) Specifies the AS2 encrypt key file. None No
AS2EncryptSystemKey (as2eskey) Specifies the AS2 encrypt system key. None No
AS2HTTPSPublicKeyFile (as2httpspkfile) Specifies the AS2 HTTPS public file path. None No
AS2HTTPSSystemKey (as2httpskey) Specifies the AS2 HTTPS system key. None No
AS2IncomingEncrAlg (as2iealg) Specifies the AS2 incoming encrypt algorithm. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • ALL
  • 3DES
  • AES
  • NONE
None No
AS2IncomingSignAlg (as2isalg) Specifies the AS2 incoming signing algorithm. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • ALL
  • SHA1
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512
  • MDS
  • NONE
None No
AS2IncomingUserID (as2iuid) Specifies the AS2 incoming user ID. None No
AS2LocalId (as2lid) Specifies the AS2 local server ID. None No
AS2OutgoingCompAlg (as2ocalg) Specifies the AS2 outgoing compress algorithm. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • ZLIB
  • NONE
None No
AS2OutgoingDataType (as2odt) Specifies the AS2 outgoing data type. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Application/EDI-X12
  • Application/EDIFACT
  • Application/EDI-consent
  • Application/octet-stream
None No
AS2OutgoingEncrAlg (as2oealg) Specifies the AS2 outgoing encrypt algorithm. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 3DES
  • AES
  • NONE
None No
AS2OutgoingMDNReceipt (as2omdnr) Specifies the AS2 outgoing MDN receipt. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • S: sync
  • A: async
  • N: no receipt
None No
AS2OutgoingMDNSignatureAlg (as2omdnsalg) Specifies the AS2 outgoing MDN signature algorithm. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • SHA1
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512
  • MDS
  • NONE
None No
AS2OutgoingSignAlg (as2osalg) Specifies the AS2 outgoing signing algorithm. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • SHA1
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512
  • MDS
  • NONE
None No
AS2OutgoingStreamingMode (as2osm) Specifies the AS2 outgoing streaming mode. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
AS2OutgoingTimeout (as2oto) Specifies the AS2 outgoing timeout. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 0-99999 (seconds)
None No
AS2PartnerId (as2pid) Specifies the AS2 partner ID. None No
AS2SignPublicKeyFile (as2spkfile) Specifies the AS2 signing public key file. None No
AS2SignSystemKey (as2sskey) Specifies the AS2 sign system key. None No
AzureNumberOfUploadBuffer (nub) Specifies the Azure number of upload buffers (1-10). It should be less than or equal to the number of upload threads. None No
AzureNumberOfUploadThreads (nut) Specifies the number of upload threads. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1-10
None No
AzureRetrieveModified (arm) Specifies whether to modify retrieve. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
AzureStorageType (ast) Specifies the type of storage. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • B: Microsoft Azure Storage Blob
  • F: Microsoft Azure Storage File
  • G: Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
None No
AzureUploadChunkSize (aucs) Specifies the upload chunk size. None No
CheckServerStatus (cstat) Specifies whether to check the server status. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no. The default is N.
N No
CheckServerStatusOn (cstaton) Specifies whether to check if the server status is on. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Command Center
  • Internet Server host name
None No
CollectHistory (ch) Specifies the collection history. None No
CollectInterval (ci) Specifies the collection interval in minutes when collection is done. For TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Platform Servers only. None No
CollectType (ctt) Specifies the type of collection to be done. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • I: initiator
  • R: responder
  • B: both
None No
CompressType (ct) Specifies the default compression that is performed between the web client and the TIBCO MFT Internet Server. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • N: no compression.
  • Y: use compression.
Note: This field defines the compression between the web client and the TIBCO MFT Internet Server, and not between the TIBCO MFT Internet Server and TIBCO MFT Platform Server. At this time, there is no compression supported between the TIBCO MFT Internet Server and TIBCO MFT Platform Server. If this parameter is not defined, the compression flag defined in the TIBCO MFT Internet Server configuration is used.
None No
ConnectionSecurityType This indicates the security that to be used when using a connection type of FTP. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • None: the FTP connection is unsecure.
  • Explicit SSL: an unsecure connection is made to the remote FTP node, followed by a negotiation for SSL security. The remote server must be listening on an unsecure port.
  • Implicit SSL: an SSL connection is made to the remote FTP node. The remote server must be listening on an SSL port.
None No
Context (ctxt) Specifies the Internet Server options context. None No
CRCChecking Specifies whether to use CRC checking. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Yes
  • No
None Yes
CustomServerConfigurationDataFile (cscd) Allows you to enter any data that should be passed to the custom interface code. You can pass any text data in this box, including, but not limited to, JSON, XML, or CSV data. No validation is performed on the data in this box, so you must ensure that the data is formatted correctly. Up to 65535 bytes of data are allowed in the box. The custom server interface allows you to enter three tokens to pass credentials associated with this server to the custom code. In this way, you do not need to enter clear text passwords into the configuration box.
  • $(UserId) - passes the clear text userid to the customer interface code.
  • $(Password) - passes the clear text password to the customer interface code.
  • $(Domain) - passes the clear text domain name to the customer interface code.
None No
CustomServerJavaClassName (csjcn)

Defines an implementation of the "com.tibco.mft.transfers.custom.CustomTransfer" interface for the custom server. The Java Class Name for the example provided is:


None No
DataConnectionType Specifies the connection type for FTP transfers. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • PORT
  • PASV
  • EPRT
  • EPSV
DefaultEncryptType Specifies the default encryption that to be performed between the TIBCO MFT Internet Server and the target TIBCO MFT Platform Server node. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • N: no encryption.
  • D: for the DES encryption (56 bit key).
  • R: for the Rijndael encryption (256 bit key).
Note: This encryption is for the TIBCO MFT Internet Server to TIBCO MFT Platform Server target node only. All communication between the web client and TIBCO MFT Internet Server is encrypted using SSL encryption. If you want to encrypt data between TIBCO MFT Internet Server and TIBCO MFT Platform Server, we suggest using rijndael encryption since it is a stronger encryption and is far more efficient.
Default No
DefaultLTTable (lt) Specifies the 1 to 256 byte default local translate table that TIBCO MFT Internet Server uses when performing data translation.

This parameter must point to the fully qualified translation table file name. This is typically used for ASCII to EBCDIC translation when communicating with TIBCO MFT Platform Server for z/OS and TIBCO MFT Platform Server for IBMi. If the file record has the LocalTranslationTable parameter defined, it is used instead.

None No
DefaultPass (dp) Specifies the 1 to 32 byte default password used when communicating with the target TIBCO MFT Platform Server node.

This parameter is not used if there is a user profile defined for the server definition/user that performs the file transfer. Likewise, it is overridden by the DefaultUser parameter on the transfer record. When this parameter is defined, the DefaultUser parameter should be defined as well.

None No
DefaultRTTable (rt) Specifies the 1 to 256 byte default remote translate table that the target TIBCO MFT Platform Server system uses when performing data translation.

This parameter must point to the name of the translation table on the remote TIBCO MFT Platform Server system. This parameter is not used if the file record has the RemoteTranslationTable parameter defined. When communicating with z/OS this table can be from 1 to 8 characters long and must be enabled at the time the transfer runs.

None No
DefaultUser (du) Specifies the 1 to 32 byte default user that to be used when communicating with the target TIBCO MFT Platform Server node.

This parameter is not used if there is a user profile defined for the Server definition/user that performs the file transfer. Likewise, it is overridden by the DefaultServerUserID parameter on the file record. When this parameter is defined, the DefaultPass parameter should be defined as well.

None No
DefaultWinDomain (dwd) Specifies the 1 to 256 byte default NT domain that to be used when communicating with the target TIBCO MFT Platform Server Windows node.

This parameter is not used if there is a user profile defined for the server definition/user that performs the file transfer. Likewise, it is overridden by the DefaultWinDomain parameter on the transfer record. When this parameter is defined, the DefaultUser and DefaultPass parameters should be defined as well. This parameter is only used on when communicating with a Windows environment and defines the domain where the user is defined.

None No
Department (dpt) Specifies the department of a node. None No
Description (d) Specifies the description of a node. None No
DisableFlag (dis) Specifies whether the server definition should be disabled. When a server is disabled, it is not available for use by TIBCO MFT Command Center or TIBCO MFT Internet Server. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • N: the server is not disabled.
  • Y: the server is disabled.
N No
DNIManagementPassword (dnimpass) Specifies the password for DNI management. None No
DNIManagementPort (dnimp) Specifies the DNI management port. None No
DNIManagementUserId (dnimuid) Specifies the DNI management user ID. None No
FTPCaseSensitive" (ftpcs) Defines whether access to directories or files on this server are case sensitive or case insensitive. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
None No
FTPClearCommandChannel (ftpccc) Specifies whether to clear the FTP command channel. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
None No
FTPExternalIPAddress (ftpeipa) Specifies the xxternal IP address. None No
FTPExternalIPAddressFlag (ftpeipf) Specifies the FTP external IP address flag. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
None No
FTPKeepAliveInterval (ftpkai) Specifies the keep alive interval. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 0-1440 minutes
  • 0: No keep alive
None No
FTPPooling (ftpp) Specifies the FTP pooling. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: Yes
  • N: No
None No
FTPPoolingIdleTimeout (ftppit) Specifies the FTP pooling idle time out. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1-60 minutes
None No
FTPSystemKey (ftpsk) Specifies the FTP system key. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • D: Default
  • None
  • UserId of Key
None No
GoogleCloudJsonServiceAccountFile (gcjsafc) Defines the JSON service account key associated with the service account. This parameter accepts the file path that has the content. None No
GoogleCloudNumberOfUploadBuffers (gcnoub) Defines the number of upload buffers. The values supported for this parameter are 1 to 10. 2 No
GoogleCloudProductType (gcpt) Defines the Google Cloud product type. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • C: cloud storage
  • B: :big query
None No
GoogleCloudUploadChunkSize (gcucs) Defines the Google Storage Chunk size in megabytes. The values supported for this parameter are 1 to 64. 5MB No
HDFSAuth (hdfsa) Specifies the HDFS authentication. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1: Kerberos
  • 0: simple
None No
HDFSPrivKey (hdfspk) Specifies the HDFS Kerberos private key. None No
HDFSUserName (hdfsun) Specifies the HDFS user name. None Np
HTTPSystemKey (httpsk) Specifies the HTTP system key. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • D: default
  • None: subnet
  • UserId of key
None No
INETServerType Defines the Internet Server type. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • C: Platform Server
  • I: Internet Server
  • J: JMS
  • F: FTP
  • L: Local
  • S: SSH
  • 2: AS2
  • D: HDFS
  • V: FileShare
  • H: HTTP
  • 3: Amazon S3
  • U: Microsoft Azure
  • G: Google Cloud
  • K: Custom Server
C No
IPName The 1 to 64 character IP name. This can be either a machine name or an IP address.

This defines the TCP information necessary to establish communication with the remote TIBCO MFT Platform Server node. If this parameter is defined incorrectly, TIBCO MFT Internet Server is unable to connect to the remote TIBCO MFT Platform Server node.

None No
IPPort Specifies the TCP port number that the target server is listening on for incoming connections.

This can be any number between 1025 and 65535. This parameter must match the IP port that the remote server (SFTP, FTP, Platform Server) is listening to for incoming connections. If this parameter is defined incorrectly, TIBCO MFT Internet Server is unable to connect to the remote TIBCO MFT Platform Server node.

None No
KerberosServerIPAddresses (ksipa) Specifies the Kerberos server IP addresses using the semicolon (;) as a delimiter among multiple servers. None NoNo
KerberosServerProtocol (ksp) Specifies the Kerberos server protocol. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1: TCP
  • 0: UDP
ManageCFServerFlag (mcf) Specifies whether TIBCO MFT Platform Server is managed from TIBCO MFT Internet Server. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
N No
ManagedKeyId (s3mkid) Specifies the managed key ID. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • AWS KMS-Managed Key Id
None No
OverrideJMSServiceConfiguration (ojmssc) When Yes, the URL defined in the IP Address or fully qualified IP Name parameter overrides the URL defined in the Configure JMS Server parameter. When No, the URL defined in the Configure JMS Server parameter is used, and the URL defined in the IP Address or fully qualified IP Name parameter is ignored. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
PGPASCII (pascii) Specifies whether the PGP ASCII armored format is used. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
N No
PGPCompression (pcomp) Specifies the PGP compression algorithm. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • NO
  • ZIP
  • ZLIB
Default No
PGPEnabled (pena) Specifies whether to enable PGP for a server. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no. The default is N.
N Yes

Specifies PGP encryption. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:

  • Y: yes
  • N: no
N No
PGPEncryptAlgorithm (pea) Specifies which algorithm is used to encrypt the PGP file with. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 3des
  • default
  • cast5
  • blowfish
  • aes128
  • aes192
  • aes256
Default Yes
PGPHashAlgorithm (phash) Specifies Which hash algorithm should be used when encrypting the PGP file. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • default
  • md2
  • md5
  • ripemd
  • sha1
Default Yes
PGPHashAlgorithm (phash) Specifies the PGP hash algorithm. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512
  • MD2
None No
PGPPrivateKey (pkey) Specifies the 1 – 64 character private key. None No
PGPSign (psign) Specifies whether the PGP file transfer is signed. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
N No
PGPVerifyServerSignature (puver) Specifies whether the server’s signature in the defined file definition is verified. N No
PGPVerifySignature (pver) Specifies whether the signature of the PGP key is verified. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
N No
PlatformServerSystemKey (pssk) Specifies the system key of the Platform Server. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • D: Default
  • None
  • UserId of Key
None No
PortChecking (portchk) Specifies the port to be checked. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 0: none
  • S: subnet
  • I: IP Address
None No
PrincipalName (pn) Specifies the HDFS Kerberos principal name. None No
ProxyIPAddress (pipa) Specifies the IP address or fully qualified IP name of the proxy server. None No
ProxyIPPort (pipp) Specifies the IP port of the proxy. None No
ProxyPassword (ppass) Specifies the password of the proxy. None No
ProxyType (prxyt) Specifies the proxy type. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • H: HTTP
  • N: none.
None No
ProxyUserName (pun) Specifies the user name of the proxy. None No
PSConnectionSecurityType (pscst) Specifies the Platform Server connection security type. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 0: none
  • 1: implicit SSL
  • 2: TLS Tunnel
None No
SecurePort (sprt) Specifies the Internet Server options context secure port flag. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
SeparateThread (septh) Specifies whether to run in separate threads. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
ServerFileNamePrefix (sfnp) Specifies the prefix of the server file name. This is only valid for L node type. None No
ServerName The 1 to 32 character node name.
This is the name that TIBCO MFT Platform Server is known as within the TIBCO MFT Internet Server system. If the ServerName contains embedded blanks, the entire ServerName should be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").
Note: This value must point to an existing server definition, and as such the Server name cannot be changed.
None Yes
ServerPlatform Specifies the server platform.

If the server type is TIBCO MFT Platform Server, the server platform is the operating system of the defined node. If the server type is FTP or SSH, the server platform is the preferred file system emulation of the node. Most SSH (SFTP) and FTP servers should be defined as UNIX, even when executing on Windows.

The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • IBMi
  • zOS
  • UNIX
  • Unspecified
  • UNISYS2200
Unspecified No
SSHBlockSize (sshbs) Specifies the SSH block size. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 4: yes
  • 4096-250000
None No
SSHKeyFlag (sshkf) Specifies the SSH key flag. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • K: key
  • C: certificate
None No
SSHPooling (sshp) Specifies the SSH pooling. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
SSHPoolingIdleTimeout (sshpit) Specifies the SSH pooling idle time out. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 1-60 minutes
None No
SSHSystemKey (sshsk) Specifies the SSH system key. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • SSH System Key
  • SSH Private Key
None No
TraceLevelFlag (tf) Specifies the trace level of the flag. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 0: no tracing
  • 1-5 and 10: different levels of tracing

This flag should only be set under instruction from TIBCO Technical Support.

0 Yes
UseAmazonAcceleration (accl) Specifies whether to use Amazon acceleration. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no

This flag should only be set under instruction from TIBCO Technical Support.

None No
Visibility (vsb) Specifies the visibility of a node. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • PUB: public
  • PRI: private
None No

Sample AddServer Command

The sample command below adds an TIBCO MFT Platform Server node called NYNode1. It assigns an IP address and IP port to NYNode1, and sets some default values for the server. By specifying DisableFlag:N the server definition is immediately available after it is successfully added.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:AddServer ServerName:NYNode1 IPName: IPPort:46464 DefaultEncryptType:N CompressType:Y DisableFlag:N