Manage Departments

Click Users > Departments > Manage Departments to manage department definitions on the Manage Departments page.

Administrative users must have AdministratorRight to manage department definitions.

On the Manage Departments page, you can list, update and delete the department definitions.

The following figure shows an example of 6 departments that have been created and can be managed on the Manage Departments page. The page will contain a list of the first 100 defined departments. If there are more than 100 departments defined, click List Next 100 to access the next 100 department definitions. You also can click Back to see the previous definitions.

To update a department definition, click the department name of the department definition that you want to change. When the changes are made, click Update to update the definition.

To delete a department definition, select the check box next to the department that you want to delete and click Delete. Multiple department definitions can be deleted at one time.

If you want to refresh the Manage Departments list, you can use the navigation box on the left portion of the page. Click Manage Departments .