
The RemoveAudit command action deletes audit records.

You can delete audit records by using the RemoveAudit command action in two ways:
  • You can specify the number of Days to keep audit records. All audit records written before the oldest day are purged.
  • You can specify a purge date. All records written before that date are purged.

To use the RemoveAudit action command ,you must have AdministratorRight. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command.

Parameter Description Default Required
Days The number of days of audit records that are saved. None Either Days or PurgeDate must be specified.
PurgeDate Specifies the purge date. Any audit record older than the PurgeDate are deleted. The PurgeDate format is YYYY/MM/DD. None Either Days or PurgeDate must be specified.
ServerType Server type:
  • I: Internet Server
  • P: Platform Server
  • B: Both
B No

Sample RemoveAudit Command

The following command keeps 30 days worth of audit records. Any audit record older than 30 days is purged.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:RemoveAudit Days:30