Configuring the Windows Environment

When you want to execute the Administrator Command Line Client Utility command as part of a file transfer request in the Windows environment, you must create a new script that is tailored for the Windows environment.

When the Administrator Command Line Client Utility (CFAdmin) is installed on Windows, a file called cfcc.bat is created.

The following example uses a copy of the cfcc.bat file called cfccmf.bat. It is the base program with some additional parameters set in it.

cd \cfcc\MFTAdminCL
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\program files\java\jre1.6.0_66\bin; ;
call setutilcp
java cfcc.CFAdmin t:%1.xml %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
The above script performs the following functions:
  • It sets the drive to the drive where the cfccmf.bat file is located. In this case, the cfccmf.bat file is located on the E: drive.
  • It sets the directory to the directory where the cfccmf.bat file is located. In this case, the cfccmf.bat file is located in the \cfcc\MFTAdminCL directory.
  • It sets the PATH variable to include the Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). If the correct JRE is already included in the PATH variable, this step can be skipped.
  • It calls the setutilcp.bat file included with the Administrator Command Line Client Utility. This file sets up environment variables needed by Java to execute.
  • The last statement is the actual Java command that executes the Admin Command Line Client Utility. The Admin Command Line Client Utility is named CFAdmin. The first parameter (t:%1.xml) shows that the first parameter entered should be the name of the XML template file without the .xml suffix. Parameters %2 - %9 support you to override up to 8 parameters defined in the template XML file.
    Note: On Windows, the Java program name (CFAdmin) is case sensitive.