Internet Server File Transfer (FT) REST Calls


The FT REST calls only work on a Internet Server when ft-service-enabled is true in the web.xml file. To execute a FT REST call, you must have TransferRight.

The URL for the FT REST calls is as follows:{parameters}

For FT REST calls, the following table lists the resource, the HTTP method, the description, and the URL that starts with the resource.
Resource HTTP Method Description URL
bwtransfer GET Downloads a file in .json format. bwtransfer/{filePath}
POST|PUT Uploads a file in .json format. bwtransfer/{filePath}
ftsession GET Gets a file transfer session ID for other APIs that need a file transfer session ID. ftsession
PUT Validates a session ID. ftsession
DELETE Closes a session. ftsession
ftuser GET Gets transfer audits for the current user. ftuser/audits
PUT Changes the password. ftuser/password
GET Gets the password expiring days. ftuser/passwordexpiringdays
GET Gets transfers for the user. ftuser/transfers
mft GET Gets the product version. mft/version
navigation GET Gets a one-level directory tree. navigation/{filePath}
POST Creates a directory or a file. navigation/{filePath}
DELETE Deletes a directory or a file. navigation/{filePath}
PUT Renames a directory or a file. navigation/{fromPath}
transfer GET Downloads a file in streaming mode. transfer/{filePath}position=<string>&encode=<string>
POST|PUT Uploads a file in streaming mode. transfer/{filePath}?position=<string>&packet=<integer>&final=<string>&encode=<string> .