File Availability Template

TIBCO MFT Internet Server provides a file availability template. The template is named as email-notification-template.xml and is located by default in the <MFT_Install>\server\webapps\cfcc\email-template directory.

The following example is a copy of the file availability template that is shipped with the TIBCO MFT Internet Server software:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE file-notification-email SYSTEM "file-notification-email.dtd">

<!-- Sample file notification template  -->

        <address><token name="emailsender"/></address>
    <subject>File Availability Notification</subject>
        FileID: <token name="fileid"/>
        Transfer Direction: <token name="transferdirection"/>
        Client File Name: <token name="clientfilename"/>
        Description: <token name="description"/>
        Available Date: <token name="availabledate"/>
        Expiration Date: <token name="expirationdate"/>

        To access this file, click on the following URL:
        <token name="emailurl"/>/bclient/index.jsp?FileID=<token name="fileid"/>
        To check for all available files, click on the following URL:
        <token name="emailurl"/>/bclient/index.jsp


The following table lists the description for each line in the template:

Line Description
<!DOCTYPE file-notification-email SYSTEM "file-notification-email.dtd">
This line defines the DTD file associated with the XML file.

You should insure that this file exists in the same directory as the email template. If the DTD file is not in the same directory as the email template, email processing will not work.

    <address><token name="emailsender"/></address>
This line defines the name of the email sender.

The default sender name is emailsender.

This name can be changed to any appropriate email address. When the user receives an email, the data entered here will be shown as the Sender (or From).

Note: Some email systems require this to be a valid email address.
<subject>File Availability Notification</subject>
This line defines the information that will be shown in the Subject field of the email.
FileID: <token name="fileid"/>
Transfer Direction: <token name="transferdirection"/>
Client File Name: <token name="clientfilename"/>
Description: <token name="description"/>
Available Date: <token name="availabledate"/>
Expiration Date: <token name="expirationdate"/>
These fields define information from the transfer definition that was added.

When a token is included in the field, the information from the Internet transfer definition is substituted for the token.

To access this file, click on the following URL:
<token name="emailurl"/>/bclient/index.jsp?FileID=<token name="fileid"/>
These fields define the URL that can be used by an authorized user or group of users to access the file that has been made available to transfer.

When you click the URL, you will be brought directly to the screen where you can access the file.

Note: The administrators must change the field host:port to point to their TIBCO MFT Internet Server server. If you build your own user interface, you can insert the URL to your page here as well.
To check for all available files, click on the following URL:
<token name="emailurl"/>/bclient/index.jsp
These fields define the URL that can be used to access all transfer definitions that are available for you.

When you click the URL, you are brought directly to the screen where you can start the TIBCO MFT Internet Server file transfer applet.

Note: The administrators must change the field host:port to point to their TIBCO MFT Internet Server server. If you build your own user interface, you can insert the URL to your page here as well.