Processing for a Download Directory

You can specify the following three parameters to configure the process for a download directory.

Parameter Description
LocalFileName Defines a directory or a file name.
FileName Defines the server file name of TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
SubDir Defines whether to process files in subdirectories.

When the FileName parameter is defined, it means that you want to process only a single file. If the FileName parameter does not point to a valid server file name of TIBCO MFT Internet Server, the request fails. If the LocalFileName parameter is not defined, TIBCO MFT Internet Server stores the file in the directory pointed to by the ClientFileName parameter of the TIBCO MFT Internet Server server. If the LocalFileName parameter points to a file, the file is saved to that file name. If the LocalFileName parameter points to a directory, the file is saved to that directory using the name defined by the FileName parameter. If the LocalFileName parameter is not defined as either a file or directory, it is treated as a file name. If the fully qualified file name is invalid, the request will fail, and no directory is created in this case.

When the FileName parameter is not defined, it means that you want to process the contents of the directory. If the LocalFileName parameter is not defined, TIBCO MFT Internet Server stores the files in the directory pointed to by the ClientFileName parameter of the TIBCO MFT Internet Server server. If the LocalFileName parameter points to a directory, the files are saved to that directory using the names of the server files. If the LocalFileName parameter does not point to a directory, an error is displayed. TIBCO MFT Internet Server does not create the high-level directory; the high-level directory must exist. If the SubDir parameter defines to process subdirectories, subdirectories should be created within the directory pointed to by the LocalFileName parameter (or the ClientFileName parameter if the LocalFileName parameter is not defined).