Creating a PGP System Key

To decrypt PGP encrypted files to sign PGP files, you must create a PGP system key.

The TIBCO MFT Internet Server PGP system key consists of both a PGP secret key and a PGP public key. The public key is used by the users making the transfers. The secret key remains secret and is not meant to be shared.

You can create a key pair through TIBCO MFT Internet Server or follow your PGP or GPG program instructions to generate a set of keys, and then put them in ASCII Armored format.

Note: The first PGP system key created is set as the default key.

The following figure shows the example of creating a PGP system key pair:


  1. Click Administration > PGP Keys > PGP System Keys > Create PGP Key.
  2. On the Create PGP System Key page, configure the required parameters.
  3. Click Create Key.