
The AddTransfer command action is used to add a file definition to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.

The file definition contains information about where the file is located, who can access the file and characteristics of the file. To use the AddTransfer command, the user must have UpdateTransferDefinitionRight. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command action.

In the following table, parameters for this command are provided in alphabetical order.
Note: The parameters provided in this table are also used for the UpdateTransfer command.
Parameter Description Default Required
AllowClientTransferMode Specifies whether to allow client transfer mode. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
AllowDelete Defines whether MFT allows the FTP client to issue the Delete command for a file defined by this transfer definition. No No
AllowFTPSiteCommandPassThrough Specifies whether to allow FTP site command pass through. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
AllowMakeDirectory Defines whether MFT allows the FTP client to create a directory within the directory structure defined by this transfer definition. No No
AllowRemoveDirectory Defines whether MFT allows the FTP client to remove a directory within the directory structure defined by this transfer definition. No No
AllowRename Defines whether MFT allows the FTP client to issue the Rename command for a file defined by this transfer definition. No No
AllowableProtocol (apl) Specifies the protocol to be used for this transfer. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • FTP
  • Secure FTP (referred as SECUREFTP)
  • Secure
  • CF(for Platform Server)
  • AS2
  • All(includes all listed protocols)
All Yes
AuthGroupId Specifies the 1 to 64 character TIBCO MFT Internet Server group ID that is authorized to transfer this file.

A transfer can be authorized to a user ID or a group. See also UserId.

None Either UserId or AuthGroupId must be specified.
AvailableDate Specifies the date this file is available for transfer. The format for this parameter is YYYY/MM/DD. The date range is 2000/01/01 to 2099/12/31. Today's date No
CRLF Specifies how the records is delimited. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: delimited by carriage return line feed (CRLF).
  • L: delimited by line feed (LF).
  • N: there are no delimiters.

Yes - if DataType is Text,

No - for any other DataType

ChkptInterval Specifies how many minutes checkpoint interval in. The max value is 59. 5 No
ChkptRestartFlag Specifies whether checkpoint restart is supported. The valid values are Y and N. Yes No
ClientCompressFlag Specifies whether to use compression when transferring this file. The valid values are Y and N. Yes No
ClientFileName The 1 to 256 character file name/location on the client machine.

If the file name/location contains embedded blanks the entire filename should be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").

None No
CredPassThruFlag Specifies whether credentials are passed from the client to the server. This capability is only used when the initiating client is FTP, SSH or Platform Server and when the initiating client enters a user ID and password. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • N: none
  • Y: yes
Note: This parameter is infrequently used and must typically be set to N.
None No
DataType Specifies the type of data being transferred. Valid data types are:
  • B: binary
  • T: text
Binary No
DefaultNodePwd Specifies the password to be used with DefaultNodeUserid.
Note: Certain target nodes may have case sensitive passwords.
None No
DefaultNodeUserId Specifies the 1 to 20 character user ID to be used to authenticate the file transfer.

This authentication takes place at the server specified in ServerName.

None No
DefaultWinDomain Specifies the Windows domain to be used with DefaultNodeUserid and DefaultNodePwd parameters.

Only applies for Windows based target systems.

None No
Department Specifies the file definition’s department. None No
Description Specifies the 1 to 256 character description of this file, this description is presented to the client user to describe the contents of the file.

The entire description must be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").

None No
DirectoryTransfer Specifies whether this transfer is a directory transfer or a single file transfer. The valid values are Y and N. No No
DisableFlag Specifies whether this transfer definition should be disabled. The valid values are Y and N. None Yes
DownloadRestriction Specifies restrict download REGEX. None No
DownloadRestrictionFlag Specifies whether to set restrictions for download. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: enforce rules
  • N: no rules
None No
DownloadUploadFlag Specifies the direction of the transfer. This direction is from the end user perspective. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • U: user uploads a file.
  • D: user downloads a file.
None No
EmailFailureTemplate Specifies the email template on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server to use for a failed transfer email.

This email template must reside on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server.

None No
EmailSuccessTemplate Specifies the email template on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server to use for a successful transfer email. None No
EncryptFlag Specifies the level of encryption to be used with this transfer. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • N: none
  • D: DES encryption
  • R: Rijndael encryption
  • DEF: default setting
Uses the encryption from the server definition. No
ExpirationDate Specifies the date when this transfer expires. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • never: the transfer do not expire.
  • +n: n days after the AvailableDate.
  • date: actual date in YYYY/MM/DD format between 2000/01/01 and 2099/12/31.
Never No
FTPAlias Specifies the file name or directory that is displayed when an FTP client accesses this file record.

Valid length is up to 256 characters. When the file record is defined as a directory, the FTPAlias is displayed to the user as a directory. When the file record is defined as a file, the FTPAlias is displayed to the user as a file. If an FTP client access this file record and this parameter is not defined, the TransferID is used as the FTPAlias.

TransferID associated with the file record No - but strongly suggested for FTP/Secure FTP transfers
FormPostParameters Specifies the form post parameters. None No
HTTPHeaders Specifies the HTTP headers with header name:header value. For multiple HTTP headers, separate headers with a semi-colon (;). None No
JMSEOFMessage Specifies whether MFT writes an empty JMS message at the end of file. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
JMSInputSelector Specifies the selector that is used to filter JMS messages when reading from a JMS queue. None No
JMSMaxMessageSize Specifies the maximum size of any individual message written to the JMS queue. None No
JMSTypeProperty Specifies the JMS type output property that is set when writing data to a JMS queue. None No
KeyFlag Specifies the key flag. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • K: key
  • C: certificate
None No
LocalTranslationTable Specifies the location of the character translation table. None No
NotifyEmailTemplate Specifies the email template on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server to use to notify the end user that a file is added. None No
NotifyFileAvailable Specifies whether to send an email to the end user when a file is available.

If the file being added is for a group, all the members of that group are notified. The email address used for this notification is specified during the AddUser. The valid values are Y and N.

None No
OneTimeFlag Specifies what should happen to the file record after the transfer has completed successfully. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: after the transfer delete the record.
  • N: after the transfer keep the record.
  • K: after the transfer keep the record, but hide it from the user or group. The default value is Y.
Yes No
PGPASCII Specifies whether the ASCII armored format is used. The valid values are Y and N. N No
PGPCompression Specifies what type of compression is used. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • default
  • none
  • zip
  • zlib
Default No
PGPDecrypt Specifies whether the file is decryted when it arrives at the remote location. The valid values are Y and N. N No
PGPEncryptAlgorithm Specifies which algorithm is used to encrypt the PGP file with. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 3des
  • default
  • cast5
  • blowfish
  • aes128
  • aes192
  • aes256
Default Yes
PGPEncypt Specifies whether the file is encrypted when it arrives at the remote location. The valid values are Y and N. N No
PGPHashAlgorithm Specifies which hash algorithm is used when encrypting the PGP file. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • default
  • md2
  • md5
  • ripemd
  • sha1
Default Yes
PGPPrivateKey Specifies the 1 – 64 character private key. None No
PGPSign Specifies whether the PGP file transfer is signed. The valid values are Y and N. N No
PGPVerifySignature Specifies whether the signature of the PGP key is verified. The valid values are Y and N. N No
PGPVerifyUserSignature Specifies whether the user’s signature in the defined file definition is verified. The valid values are Y and N. N No
PostActionData1-4 Specifies the data passed to the PostActionType when the conditions specified in PostActionFlag met.

Data with embedded blanks should be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").

None No
PostActionFlag1-4 Specifies the conditions when a post processing action should occur.

The post processing action is performed at the server defined in ServerName. Used in conjunction with PostActionType and PostActionData. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:

  • S: transfer Successful
  • F: transfer Failed
None No
PostActionType1-4 Specifies the type of post processing action to be performed when the PostActionFlag conditions met. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • CALLPGM: call a z/OS program with program to program parameter linkage.
  • CALLJCL: call a z/OS program with JCL to program parameter linkage.
  • COMMAND: issue a command at the node specified in NodeName.
  • SUBMIT: submit a job at the node specified in NodeName.
None No
ProcessName Specifies the name of a process. None No
RemoteTranslationTable Specifies the location of the TIBCO MFT Internet Server character translation table on the client machine. None No
RemoveTrailingBlanks Used only with text type transfers. Specifies whether to remove any trailing spaces.

This option is only valid when z/OS is sending the file. The valid values are Y and N.

None No
SSHSystemKey Specifies the name of the SSH system key. None No
ServerFileName Specified the 1 to 256 character file name/location of the server machine.

If the NodeName is *LOCAL, the ServerFileName would be located on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server. If the file name/location contains embedded blanks the entire filename must be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").

None No
ServerName Specifies the 1 to 64 character name of the MFT Platform Server within your network.

A TIBCO MFT Internet Server node is a target destination that is running MFT Platform Server that can send or receive files. The ServerName may also be specified as *LOCAL, this refers to the TIBCO MFT Internet Server which does not have to be running MFT Platform Server.

None No
ToEmailAddrFailure Specifies the email address to be used when a transfer fails.

You must configure your email server details on the System Configuration page to use this function.

None No
ToEmailAddrSuccess Specifies the email address to be used when a transfer is successful.

You must configure your email server details on the System Configuration page to use this function.

None No
TraceLevelFlag Specifies whether to use trace level. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • 0: no tracing
  • 1-5 and 10: different levels of tracing
This flag should only be set under instruction from TIBCO Technical Support.
0 No
TransferType Specifies the type of transfer. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • S: stream
  • F: form/post
None No
TruncateFlag Specifies whether to truncate. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • NONE
  • WRAP
None no
UnixPermissions Specifies the Unix file permissions. Values are 000 - 777. None No
UpRestriction Specifies restrict upload REGEX. None No
UploadRestrictionFlag Specifies whether to set restrictions for upload. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: enforce rules
  • N: no rules
None No
UserData Specifies user data. None No
UserId Specifies the 1 to 64 character TIBCO MFT Internet Server user ID to transfer this file.

A transfer can be authorized to a user ID or a group. See also AuthGroupId.

None Either UserId or AuthGroupId
ValidDays Specifies the 7 character day of week pattern when this file can be accessed, Sunday being the first character, Monday the second, and so on. where each character can be Y or N. YYYYYYY No
ValidEndTime Specifies the end time in military format HHMM when this file can be accessed. 2359 No
ValidStartTime Specifies the start time in military format HHMM when this file can be accessed. 0000 No
ViewFilesDirectories Specifies the files or directories to view. Does not allow downloads. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • Y: yes
  • N: no
None No
WriteMode Specifies the options used when opening the output file on the target system. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • C: create the file, if it already exists, the transfer fails.
  • CR: create/replace, if the file does not exist, it is created, if the file already exists it is replaced.
  • R: replace the file. If it does not exist, the transfer fails.
  • A: append to the file. If it does not exist, the transfer fails.
  • CA: create/append, if the file does not exist it will be created. If the file already exists, it is appended to.
  • CRN: create/replace/new. The same as CR (create/replace), but TIBCO MFT Internet Server also creates the directory structure if it does not already exist.
zOSAllocPri Specifies the primary allocation value in units of zOSAllocType.

Only for transfers to z/OS.

None No
zOSAllocSec Specifies the secondary allocation value in units of zOSAllocType.

Only for transfers to z/OS.

None No
zOSAllocType Specifies the allocation type to be used when transferring files to a z/OS system. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • T: tracks
  • B: blocks
  • C: cylinders
  • K: kilobytes
  • M: megabytes
None No
zOSBlockSize Specifies the block size to be used for file being transferred to z/OS. None No
zOSDataClass Specifies a valid data class used when transferring files to a z/OS system.

A valid value is a 1 to 8 character data class name defined by your storage administrator.

zOSLRECL Specifies the logical record length for files being transferred to z/OS. None No
zOSMgtClass Specifies a valid management class used when transferring files to a z/OS system.

A valid value is a 1 to 8 character management class name defined by your storage administrator.

None No
zOSRECFM Specifies the record format for files being transferred to z/OS. The values supported for this parameter are as follows:
  • F: Fixed.
  • FA: Fixed ASA.
  • FB: Fixed Block.
  • FBA: Fixed Blocked ASA.
  • FBM: Fixed Blocked Machine.
  • FBS: Fixed Block Standard.
  • FM: Fixed Machine.
  • FS: Fixed Standard.
  • V: Variable.
  • VA: Variable ASA.
  • VB: Variable Blocked.
  • VBA: Variable Blocked. ASA
  • VBM: Variable Blocked. Machine
  • VBS: Variable Blocked. Spanned
  • VM: Variable Machine.
  • VS: Variable Spanned.
  • U: Undefined.
None No
zOSStorClass Specifies a valid storage class used when transferring files to a z/OS system.

A valid value is a 1 to 8 character storage class name defined by your storage administrator.

None No
zOSUnit Specifies the device type for a file being transferred to z/OS.

Valid values are any device type defined to your z/OS system.

None No
zOSVolume Specifies the volume serial number for transferring files to z/OS.

The valid values are any 1 to 6 character volume serial number on your z/OS system.

None No

Sample AddTransfer Command

The command below adds a file to the TIBCO MFT Internet Server database:

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:AddTransfer ClientFileName:"C:\TEMP 001\24.jpg" ServerFileName:”C:\24.jpg” ServerName:ARTDEPT DisableFlag:N ValidStartTime:0000 ValidEndTime:2359 ValidDays:YYYYYYY OneTimeFlag:K EncryptFlag:D WriteMode:C CRLF:N Description:"Corporate Logo JPG format" NotifyFileAvailable:Y ExpirationDate:+1 AuthGroupId:PRINTERS DataType:B DownloadUploadFlag:D