Key Methods

Method Description
addKey Adds a PGP key to the system.

To call this method, the user must meet one of the following requirements:

  • For a user or server key, the user must be a super administrator or have UpdatePGPKeyRight.
  • For a system key, the user must be a super administrator or have UpdatePGPSystemKeyRight.
  • No rights needed if the user adding the own user key.
updateKey Updates a PGP key in the system.
To call this method, the user must meet one of the following requirements:
  • For a user or server key, the user must be a super administrator or have UpdatePGPKeyRight.
  • For a system key, the user must be a super administrator or have UpdatePGPSystemKeyRight.
  • No rights are needed if the user adding the own user key.

If the keys to be updated are user or server keys and the calling users are assigned to departments, the users must have UpdatePGPKeyRight; the users can update PGP keys in their departments and the departments that they can manage.

When performing an update only set the fields that you want to update in the Key object. The rest of the fields will be null. To update a field to become null:
  • String objects should be set to be an empty string (for example: "").
  • The members of DateTime objects should be set to zero.
removeKey Removes a PGP key from the system.
To call this method, the user must meet one of the following requirements:
  • For a user or server key, the user must be a super administrator or have UpdatePGPKeyRight.
  • For a system key, the user must be a super administrator or have UpdatePGPSystemKeyRight.
retrieveAllUserServerKeys Retrieves all user or server keys from the system as an array of key.

The last element of the array is null. If no keys are found, an array of one element is returned with a value of null. This method returns 100 keys at a time, you must keep track of the last key ID returned if you want to get the next 100 keys.

The first time you call this method, pass in an empty string for lastRecordId.

The user calling this method must have ViewPGPKeyRight, UpdatePGPKeyRight, or must be a super administrator.

retrieveAllPrivateKeys Retrieves all private keys from the system as an array of key.

The user calling this method must have UpdatePGPSystemKeyRight or must be a super administrator.

retrieveAllPrivateKeyIds Retrieves all private key IDs from the system as an array of key.

Only the key ID and description are returned.

No rights are required.

getSystemPublicKey Returns a public key from the system as an array of byte.

The user calling this method does not have to have any rights (no restriction on getting the CFI public key).

getUserKey Gets a key from the system.

If the key is not found, a null is returned.

The user calling this method must have UpdatePGPKeyRight, ViewPGPKeyRight, or be a super administrator. Super administrators can get any key in the system. Department administrators can get a key that is assigned to their departments or the departments that they can manage.

getServerKey Gets a key from the system.

If the key is not found, a null is returned.

The user calling this method must have UpdatePGPKeyRight, ViewPGPKeyRight, or be a super administrator. Super administrators can get any key in the system. Department administrators can get a key that is assigned to their departments or the departments that they can manage.

getSystemKey Gets a system key from the system.

If the system key is not found, a null is returned.

The user calling this method must have UpdatePGPSystemKeyRight or be a super administrator.

searchKeys Retrieves all key records that match the search criteria specified in the Key object.

Searches are only done on the Key Name field.

Set the fields in the Key object that you want to search on. All other fields will be ignored. Use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard character. The results are returned as an array of Key objects. The last element of the array is null. If no keys are found, an array of one element is returned with a value of null. This method returns 100 keys at a time, you must keep track of the last record to get the next 100 keys.

The user calling this method must have ViewPGPKeyRight, UpdatePGPKeyRight, or be a super administrator.

validateAddKey Determines whether the key is valid.
validateUpdateKey Determines whether the key is valid.
getPublicSystemKeyById Gets a public system key from the system by the PGP key ID.

If the system key is not found, a null is returned.

The user calling this method must have UpdatePGPSystemKeyRight or be a super administrator.

getSSHSystemKeyById Gets an SSH system key from the system by the SSH key ID.

If the SSH system key is not found, a null is returned.

The user calling this method must have UpdateSystemKeyRight or AdministratorRight (whether in a department or not).

setDefaultSystemKey Sets a default system key for the system by the PGP key ID.

The user calling this method must have UpdatePGPSystemKeyRight or be a super administrator.

getCertFromSSHKey Returns a certificate from the SSH system key as an array of byte.

The user calling this method does not have to have any rights (no restriction on getting the certificate from the SSH system key).