When upgrading the Java JDK that is being used by
TIBCO MFT Internet Server, you will need to update a few items before
TIBCO MFT Internet Server will start to use the new Java JDK.
Follow either one of the procedures based on whether you are running
TIBCO MFT Internet Server on Windows or on UNIX.
If you are running
TIBCO MFT Internet Server on Windows as a service:
Stop the
TIBCO MFT Internet Server service. Otherwise use the shutdown script to stop the
TIBCO MFT Internet Server process.
Navigate to the
MFTCC_Install\server\bin directory and issue the
service remove command.
Update the
JAVA_HOME environment variable on the system pointing to the new JDK directory. And then run the
java -version command to verify the version.
If you are using any version prior to Oracle Java 8u161, update the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files.
TIBCO MFT Internet Server is installed on a Windows system, navigate to the
MFTCC_Install\server\bin directory and issue the
service install command to install
TIBCO MFT Internet Server to run as a service.
TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
If you are running
TIBCO MFT Internet Server on UNIX or on Windows when not started as a service:
Stop the Service using the
shutdown.sh command.
Update the JAVA_HOME environment variable on the system to point to the new JDK directory.
Update the PATH to include the new Java JDK bin directory. Run the java
-version command to verify the version.
If you are using any version prior to Oracle Java 8u161, update the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files. For more information, see
Starting Automated Installation.