CFAdmin XML Files

The genExample command is run as part of the java cfcc.Config program.

If you choose not to run this during executing the java cfcc.Config program, it can be run any time using the following command:

java cfcc.CFAdmin genExample

This creates various XML files that can be used in conjunction with the command line.

The following table lists the names of the files that are created along with a brief description of what the XML file does.

File Name Description
Audit XML files
GetAudit.xml Displays a specific audit record.
RemoveAudit.xml Removes an audit record.
SearchForAudits.xml Searches for audit records.
Department XML files
AddDepartment.xml Creates a department.
GetDepartment.xml Displays a department.
RemoveDepartment.xml Deletes a department.
RetrieveAllDepartments.xml Displays all departments.
RetrieveAllUsersInDept.xml Displays users assigned to this department.
UpdateDepartment.xml Updates a department.
Group XML files
AddGroup.xml Defines a group.
AddUserToGroup.xml Adds a user to a group.
GetGroup.xml Displays a group.
RemoveGroup.xml Deletes a group.
RemoveUserFromGroup.xml Deletes a user from a group.
RetrieveAllGroups.xml Displays all groups.
RetrieveAllGroupsForUser.xml Displays groups that is user is a member of.
RetrieveAllUsersInGroup.xml Displays all users in a group.
Role XML files
AddUserToRole.xml Adds a right to a user.
GetRole.xml Displays a right.
RemoveUserFromRole.xml Removes a right from a user.
RetrieveAllRoles.xml Displays all rights.
RetrieveAllRolesForUser.xml Displays the rights assigned to a user.
RetrieveAllUsersInRole.xml Displays users that have a specific right.
Server XML files
AddServer.xml Creates a server.
GetServer.xml Displays a server.
RemoveServer.xml Deletes a server.
RetrieveAllServers.xml Displays all servers.
UpdateServer.xml Updates a server.
Session XML files
DeleteExpiredSessionIds.xml Deletes all expired session IDs.
DeleteSessionId.xml Deletes an TIBCO MFT Internet Server session ID.
GetExpiredSessionIds.xml Lists expired session IDs.
ListActiveSessionIds.xml Lists active session IDs.
Transfer XML files
AddTransfer.xml Adds a transfer definition to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.
GetTransfer.xml Lists a specific transfer definition.
RemoveTransfer.xml Deletes an TIBCO MFT Internet Server transfer definition.
RetrieveAllTransfers.xml Lists all transfer definitions.
RetrieveAllTransfersForUser.xml Lists all transfers definitions for a user.
SearchForTransfers.xml Searches for transfer records.
UpdateTransfer.xml Alters an TIBCO MFT Internet Server transfer definition.
User XML files
AddAdminUser.xml Adds a user with admin rights.
AddTransferUser.xml Adds a user with transfer rights.
ChangePassword.xml Changes a users password.
GetUser.xml Displays a specific user.
RemoveUser.xml Deletes a user.
RetrieveAllUsers.xml Displays all users.
UpdateUser.xml Updates a user.
User Profile XML files
AddUserProfile.xml Adds a profile for a user.
GetUserProfile.xml Displays a specific user profile.
RemoveUserProfile.xml Deletes user profile.
RetrieveAllUserProfiles.xml Displays all user profiles.
UpdateUserProfile.xml Updates a profile for a user.
Miscellaneous XML files
GetCopyrightInfo.xml Displays copyright information.
GetProductNameVersion.xml Gets TIBCO MFT Internet Server version information.
PGP Public Key XML Files
AddPGPPublicKey.xml Adds a PGP public key.
DeletePGPPublicKey.xml Deletes a PGP public key.
GetPGPPublicKey.xml Displays a PGP public key.
UpdatePGPPublicKey.xml Updates a PGP public key.
RetrievePGPPublicKey.xml Retrieves a PGP public key.
Protocol Public Key XML Files
AddProtocolPublicKey.xml Adds a protocol public key.
DeleteProtocolPublicKey.xml Deletes a protocol public key.
GetProtocolPublicKey.xml Gets a protocol public key.
UpdateProtocolPublicKey.xml Updates a protocol public key.
RetrieveProtocolPublicKey.xml Retrieves a protocol public key.