Admin Changes

You can search for admin changes generated through the Reports > Admin Changes option.

All admin changes are logged. If there are admin changes that you do not want logged, you can configure it through a file in the WEB-INF folder called: PCISkip.xml. This file allows you to enter components and field names where changes can be ignored. You can turn on this checking by updating the web.xml property: PCISkipFileName. This parameter points to the PCI Skip file; the default file name is PCISkip.xml. You must edit this file and add components and field names. If the only admin changes are fields defined in this file, then the change will not be logged. The reason is that some users may not want to log all changes. If there is a batch process where, for example, the User Disabled flag is frequently turned off and on, you may not want to write an Admin Change record each time this field is updated. If you add this to the PCISkip.xml file, User updates where the Disabled flag is the only field changed will not be logged.
Note: If you update the PCISkip.xml file, you must restart the MFT Server.