FTP Server

TIBCO MFT Internet Server allows files to be transferred between the end user’s local file system and the TIBCO MFT Internet Server server using FTP as the transfer protocol. This allows an TIBCO MFT Internet Server end user to use virtually any FTP client to transfer files with TIBCO MFT Internet Server.

The TIBCO MFT Internet Server FTP server has the following features:

  • RFC 959 Compliance
  • RFC 2228 Compliance for FTP over SSL (Explicit SSL Support)
  • Implicit SSL Support

When a user connects to the TIBCO MFT Internet Server FTP server, TIBCO MFT Internet Server creates a Virtual Directory Structure (VDS) of files the user is allowed to transfer files through FTP. User’s VDS maps TIBCO MFT Internet Server Transfer definitions for that particular user to a directory structure more familiar to FTP users.

TIBCO MFT Internet Server supports the following types of file definitions for VDS creation:

  • Transfer definitions for directory download
  • Transfer definitions for single file download
  • Transfer definitions for directory upload
Note: TIBCO MFT Internet Server file definitions for single file upload are not supported by the TIBCO MFT Internet Server FTP server and are ignored.

A TIBCO MFT Internet Server transfer definition is mapped to user’s VDS through the file definition’s Virtual Alias parameter. The interpretation of the Virtual Alias parameter varies according to the file definitions transfer type. For example, if the Virtual Alias parameter for a directory download file definition is set to /files, all files (and sub-directories) represented by that particular file definition are mapped to the /files directory in user’s VDS. The user would logon to the FTP server and change to the files directory to see those files. If the Virtual Alias parameter for a single transfer file definition is set to /data.txt, the file definition is represented as /data.txt in user’s VDS. The user would see the data.txt file in their root directory.


These examples show the Client File Name, Server File Name and Virtual Alias parameters and how they are resolved during the FTP transaction.

Assume that there is a directory, c:\test1(Client File Name), on the client’s side containing the file1.txt and file2.txt files. The client will perform an FTP Upload (put) and an FTP Download (get) to and from the TIBCO MFT Internet Server FTP Server on 192.168.333.333. There is a directory, c:\test2, on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server server (server file name) that contains the file3.txt and file4.txt file. The transfer is done using the user ID, user1.

Two file definitions should be created for the user1 user to perform these FTP transactions, one for Upload and one for Download. As stated earlier, both files should point to the c:\test2 directory on the server side where the files will be transferred to and from. Also, this directory must be assigned the same Virtual Alias parameter value in both the Upload and the Download File definitions. For this example, the Virtual Alias parameter will be set to /FtpFiles.

  1. The user1 user performs an FTP login from the client side c:\test1 directory onto the TIBCO MFT Internet Server FTP server on 192.168.333.333. The Welcome! message configured on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server server is displayed.
    C:\test1>ftp 192.168.333.333
    Connected to 192.168.333.333.
    220-TIBCO Corp. MFT Internet Server FTP Server (v. 6.0)
    220 This is MFT Internet Server 6.0 on 192.168.333.333 Welcome!
    User (192.168.333.333:(none)): user1
    331 Password required for user1
    Password: ************
    230 Logon OK. Proceed.
  2. The user1 user is able to see the list of files available for the Upload and Download transactions according to File Definitions
    ftp> dir
    drwx------ user11 user1 0 Oct 13 09:56 FtpFiles
    d-wx------ user11 user1 0 Oct 13 09:56 FA1240000001
    dr-x------ user11 user1 0 Oct 13 09:56 FA1240000002
    The FTPFiles directory is an FTP File Alias parameter value which corresponds to the c:\test2 server directory.
    Note: Files named FA1240000001 and FA1240000002 are examples of an error condition. They are shown here as an example of what the user may see when no Virtual Alias parameter is configured. They are the actual file IDs which the user1 user will see if no Virtual Alias parameter was configured for Upload (FA1240000001) or Download (FA1240000002) file definitions. We will use the correct configuration: “FtpFiles” for our example of the FTP transaction flow.
  3. The user1 user performs listing of /FtpFiles directory to see the files available for transfer.
    ftp> cd FtpFiles
    ftp> dir
    150 Opening data connection for file list.
    -rwx------ user11 user1 79005 Oct 06 14:25 file3.txt
    -rwx------ user11 user1 702188 Oct 06 14:42 file4.txt
  4. The user1 user performs an Upload (put) of the file1.txt file from his current c:\test1 directory on the client side to the /FtpFiles directory on the server side, and then, checks that the file was uploaded by listing the /FtpFile directory again.
    ftp> put file1.txt
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 Opening data connection for FtpFiles
    226 Transfer successful. AuditID=A51350000001
    ftp: 40705 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 40705000.00Kbytes/sec.
    ftp> dir
    -rwx------ user11 user1 40705 Oct 13 09:57 file1.txt
    -rwx------ user11 user1 79005 Oct 06 14:25 file3.txt
    -rwx------ user11 user1 702188 Oct 06 14:42 file4.txt
  5. The user1 user performs Download (get) of the file3.txt file down to the client side:
    ftp> get file3.txt
    150 Opening data connection for file file3.txt (79005)
    226 Transfer successful. AuditID=A51350000002
    ftp: 79005 bytes received in 0.88Seconds 90.29Kbytes/sec.