Updating MFT Shortcuts

You can update the MFT shortcuts to redirect users to the SAML login pages.

The following shortcuts are located in the <MFT_Install>\servers\webapps\ROOT directory:
  • samladmin: redirects you to the administrator page after SAML authentication is completed.
  • samlbrowser: redirects you to the FT Browser page after SAML authentication is completed.
  • samljava: redirects you to the FT Java page after SAML authentication is completed.

You can use these shortcuts or rename them to names you choose. When the user goes to one of these pages, they will be redirected to SAML for authentication. When authentication is completed, the user will be redirected to the page defined by the shortcuts. If you change the context from the default of cfcc, you must change the context in these files.

The following shortcuts are located in the <MFT_Install>\servers\webapps\context\login directory:
  • ssoadmin: redirects you to the administrator page after SAML authentication is completed.
  • ssobrowser: redirects you to the FT Browser page after SAML authentication is completed.
  • ssojava: redirects you to the FT Java page after SAML authentication is completed.

These file names are hardcoded in the MFT code. When the user is authenticated by SAML, the user generally specifies the client that they want to use. When authentication is completed, the user will be redirected to the desired client based on the URLs in these files. If you change the context from the default of cfcc, you must change the context in these files.