Introduction to Container Deployment

TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Internet Server can be container enabled. This means that TIBCO Managed File Transfer (MFT) Internet Server can have the following capabilities:

  • It can be executed in the cloud.
  • It supports Docker and Kubernetes.
  • It can be used for on-site or off-site cloud environments.
  • It simplifies deployment: install, upgrade, and hotfixes.
  • It can be used to deploy configuration changes.
  • It runs on most 64-bit flavors of Linux that supports Docker and Kubernetes.
  • It supports Kubernetes scaling to start and stop TIBCO MFT Internet Server instances as required.

The Docker container is the basis for most cloud implementations, so you must follow the steps to create TIBCO MFT Internet Server Docker images. Since each cloud implementation is different, the parameters supplied in the sample Kubernetes files do not work for every customer site. If you use container management software such as OpenShift, you need to tailor OpenShift to use the MFT Docker container.

The Docker file provided shows a sample of how TIBCO MFT Internet Server can be configured. You can use this document as a guideline to deploy TIBCO MFT Internet Server using Docker container.