Enabling BouncyCastle FIPS Mode


  • Enter one of the following commands:
    • On Unix: ./fips.sh enable or ./fips enable silent


    • On Windows:./fips enable or fips enable silent
    The following functions are performed when you enable FIPS mode for an MFT Server:
    • Adds BouncyCastle security providers.
    • Converts the server.xml to a bcfks file and updates the server.xml.
    • Updates the TLS ciphers in the server.xml to ciphers supported by FIPS mode.
    • Converts all AS2 private keys in the database to a format compatible with FIPS mode.
    • Adds the necessary environment parameters to the MFT startup script.
    Note: When you use Oracle database and FIPS, the database user password must have a minimum of 14 characters.