Update Protocol Public Key

The UpdateProtocolPublicKey command action is used to update a Protocol Public Key. To use the UpdateProtocolPublicKey action command, you must have UpdatePublicKeyRight. For more information on this right, see AddUserToRole.

Parameter Description Default Required
Description Description of the protocol public key to be updated. N/A N
KeyId (id) Key type id: Defines the 12-digit key ID associated with the protocol public key. Example: K205G0000BC9 N/A Y
PublicKey (pk) Public key to be added. The key should be without line separators and without spaces. N/A Y*1
PublicKeyFileName (pkfn) Name of the file that contains the protocol public key. N/A Y*1
Status (st) Key status when added:

: Enabled

: Disabled

  • 1 - PublicKeyFileName and PublicKey parameters are mutually exclusive.