User Parameters

The following tables list the parameters used to add a new user.

Required User Information
Parameter Description
User Id The user ID that will be used to log in to TIBCO MFT Internet Server and TIBCO Managed File Transfer (MFT) Command Center.

The value cannot exceed 64 characters.

Full Name The full name consisting the first and last name of the person on the account.

The value cannot exceed 256 characters.

Password The password for the user to access TIBCO MFT Internet Server and TIBCO MFT Command Center.

Enter the same password for the Confirm Password parameter. The value cannot exceed 32 characters.

Usage This parameter is used to define whether to set the user as a File Share user, Non-File Share user, or Mailbox user.
User Type The File Share user type, Guest Users, Full Users or Power Users.

This parameter is used only when the user is set as a File Share user.

Email Address The email address of the File Share user.

For Internet Server users, this parameter should be defined if you want this user to receive notifications when transfers become available.

This parameter is required only when the user is set as a File Share user or Mailbox user.

Expiration Date The expiration date by which this user ID is no longer valid.

The default value is one year from the current date.

Valid Days The days of the week when this user is able to log in to access the system.

Ensure that administrative accounts have adequate access.

Valid Start Time

Valid End Time

The period of time during a day when the user is able to log in to access the system.

The default time frame is a 24-hour period of access.

Assigned Rights The rights assigned to this user.

Setting this right gives the user authorization to transfer files within TIBCO MFT Internet Server. If you want to authorize the user to initiate platform transfer requests, you must assign FTTransferRight to the user.

The TransferRight right is assigned as default.

Assigned Groups The groups to which this user has been assigned.
Authentication Options
Parameter Description
FTP Client Authentication Method The authentication method used when the user accesses TIBCO MFT Internet Server through an FTP or FTPS client.
SSH Client Authentication Method The authentication method used when the user accesses TIBCO MFT Internet Server through an SSH (SFTP) client.
HTTPS Client Authentication Method The authentication method used when the user accesses TIBCO MFT Internet Server through an HTTP/HTTPS client.
Platform Server Client Authentication Method The authentication method used when the user accesses TIBCO MFT Internet Server through a Platform Server client.
Certificate DN The distinguished name from the user's certificate.

Depending on the way that certificates are defined, this parameter can be used to associate a certificate with this user.

Optional User properties
Parameter Description
Department The department to which this user belongs.

This is only used with the delegated administration.

Visibility The level of accessibility that other departments have to this user and applies only when using the delegated administration.

The default value is private.

Manage Departments

The departments that the department administrator can manage.

The department to which the department administrator belongs is not displayed.

Description The description of this user.
Company Name The name of the company that this user works for.
Phone Number The phone number of the transfer user.
Start Date

End Date

The starting and ending date during which this user ID is valid, and can access the system.
Client Protocol Allowed The type of protocols, which will be allowed for this user when performing transfers.
Disable User This parameter is used to define whether to disable this user.

If disabling transfer user accounts, the user accounts will not be able to log in to the system. If they are already logged in when this is enabled, they will not be able to conduct a file transfer.

LDAP Status This parameter is used to define whether the LDAP that managed transfer user account is active or not.
Trace Level The trace level.

The trace level is normally turned on at the request of Technical Support to troubleshoot a problem. Leave it as No Tracing during normal operation.

Lock User This parameter is used to define whether to lock this user account.
Max File Size The maximum size of a file that can be sent by a user using the File Share Upload File and Mailbox Send Files functions.

Unless a value is entered, a user's file size limit will be controlled by the global file size limit set on the File Share Configuration page.

Can Change Own Password This parameter is used to define whether the user can change his own password.
Password Never Expires This parameter defines whether password expiration rules apply to this user.

When this check box is selected, the password for this user will never expire. When this check box is not selected, the password expiration depends on the global password rules defined on the System Configuration page.

Change Password at Next Login This parameter is used to define whether this user will be forced to change their passwords the next time they log in.
Restrict User This parameter defines whether to restrict incoming requests for this user to the defined IP address.
IP Address or IP Name The IP address or IP name that will be validated for an incoming request for this user.

This field is used only when the Restrict User box is selected.

Netmask The IP netmask to be used when validating the incoming IP address.
PGP Information
Parameter Description
Allow User to Add PGP Key This parameter is used to define whether to allow the transfer user to be able to add PGP public keys to TIBCO MFT Internet Server.