Creating Customer File Transfer Interface

Through the use of a well-defined interface, you can write your own module in Java to support a protocol not currently supported by TIBCO MFT. Only outbound transfers are supported.

Note: The documentation of the Java interface and example code are found in the MFT Install/server/webapps/cfcc/example/customTransfers directory on the server. The javadoc folder is found in the docs directory.


  1. Write your implementation, compile the code, and package it into a .jar file.
  2. Copy the .jar file and any dependent jar files into the following directory on each of the Internet Servers:MFT Install/server/webapps/cfcc/WEB-INF/lib
  3. Copy the mft-custom-transfer.jar file from MFT Install/server/webapps/cfcc/example/customTransfers to MFT Install/server/webapps/cfcc/WEB-INF/lib on each of the Internet Servers.
  4. Restart the MFT Servers.
  5. Add a server that is defined as a "custom server".
  6. Enter the class name that implements the com.tibco.mft.transfers.custom.CustomTransfer interface.
  7. Add any extra configuration you may need in a text based format.

    Here is the sample build script from the examples directory:

    rmdir /S/Q build
    mkdir build
    javac -classpath mft-custom-transfer.jar;json-simple-1.1.1.jar -d build src\com\example\transfer\
    cd build
    jar -cvf MyCustomXfer.jar com\example\transfer\CustomXferImpl.class
    move MyCustomXfer.jar ..\
    cd ..
    rmdir /S/Q build