Getting Updates

You can use the getUpdates call to get unaccepted invitations and incremental changes to the documents of the user.

Sample URL







The response is a JSON object with the following fields:
Parameters Description
oldestNotificatoinId The oldest notification ID in the server cache.

Older events exist in the database only. This will be returned only if the client is a File Share device. The defaults value is none which means there is no notification in the server cache.

newestNotificatoinId The newest notification ID in the server cache.

This will be returned only if the client is a File Share device. The default value is none which means there is no notification in the server cache.

invitations An array of folders the user has been invited to that he has not accepted or declined.

The default is none.


{"newestNotificatoinId":"100", "oldestNotificatoinId":"0", {"invitations":[{"id":"13AA00000008","invitedOn":1381937852587,"inviter":"Administrator account.","shareExpiration":1383192000587,"name":"TUCON"}]}