
The ChangePassword command action is used to change the password for an existing user in the TIBCO MFT Internet Server system.

A user with AdministratorRight or HelpDeskRight may change any user’s password. A user with ChangePassword may only change his/her own password. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command action.

Parameter Description Default Required
Password Specifies the 1 to 30 character password assigned to this user.

The Password cannot contain any embedded blanks. Tha password is case sensitive.

None Yes
UserId Specifies the 1 to 64 character ID of the user to be altered. None Yes

Sample ChangePassword Command

The command below changes the password for TIBCO MFT Internet Server user ACME0001.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:ChangePassword UserId:ACME0001 Password:FORGOT