Desktop Client Layout

The desktop client provides a workbench to send and receive files.

The workbench consists of:
  1. Desktop Client Menu
  2. Local View tab
  3. Local View path display
  4. Refresh button (Available in both the Local View tab and MFT Server tab)
  5. Up navigation button (Available in both the Local View tab and MFT Server tab)
  6. Delete button for Local View (Enabled when available in both the Local View tab and MFT Server tab)
  7. Rename button (Enabled when available in both the Local View tab and MFT Server tab)
  8. Create Folder button (Enabled when available in both the Local and MFT Server view panels)
  9. When Windows file Attributes are defined on a file you will see them displayed here
  10. MFT Server View tab
  11. MFT Server path display
  12. Permissions set for a folder or file (shown in UNIX format)
  13. Transfer Mode button. When enabled you can set transfers to be sent in Text/Binary mode and/or set carriage return/line feed options.
  14. Progress bar (Displays a transferring file(s) progress.)
  15. Status tab
  16. History tab
  17. Logging window. When the Status tab is active you will see connection and transfer messages. When the History tab is active you will see transfer history records.
  18. Local View Directory
  19. Download Arrow (Will be green when enabled)
  20. Upload Arrow (Will be orange when enabled)
  21. MFT Server directory
  22. Cancel button (Cancels a transfer that is running.)