Command Center and Internet Server Administrative (Admin) REST Calls
- Command Center -{parameters}
- Internet Server -{parameters}
Resource | HTTP Method | Description | URL Resource and Parameters |
departments | POST | Adds departments. | departments |
GET | Searches departments. | departments | |
GET | Gets a department. | departments/{deptName} | |
DELETE | Deletes a department. | departments/{deptName} | |
PUT | Updates a department. | departments/{deptName} | |
groups | POST | Adds groups. | groups |
GET | Searches groups. | groups | |
GET | Gets a group. | groups/{groupId} | |
DELETE | Deletes a group. | groups/{groupId} | |
PUT | Updates a group. | groups/{groupId} | |
PUT | Adds a user to a group./Removes a user from a group. | groups/{groupId}/{userId} | |
GET | Retrieves User IDs assigned to a group. | groups/{groupId}/users | |
isaudits | GET | Searches Internet Server audit records. | /isaudits?
auditId=<string>&localTransactionId=<string>& clientFileName=<string>&serverFileName=<string>& serverName=<string>&processName=<string>& userData=<string>&transferUserId=<string>& transferStatus=<string>&department=<string>& fromDateAndTime=<string>&toDateAndTime=<string>& noOfDays=<string>&pageNumber=<string>& as2MDNStatusSuccess=<string>& as2MDNStatusFailure=<string>& as2MDNStatusPending=<string>& transferId=<string>&virtualAlias=<string> |
GET | Gets Internet Server audit record. | isaudits/{auditId} | |
DELETE | Deletes audits by date. | isaudits/date | |
DELETE | Deletes audits by number of days. | isaudits/days | |
ldap | PUT | Synchronizes a user or an authenticator. | ldap |
lockout release | PUT | Releases an invalid login lock(s). | lockoutrelease |
mftversion | GET | Gets the version. | mft/version |
pgppublickeys | POST | Adds PGP public keys. | pgppublickeys |
GET | Searches PGP public keys. | pgppublickeys | |
GET | Gets a PGP public key. | pgppublickeys/{keyId} | |
PUT | Updates a PGP public key. | pgppublickeys/{keyId} | |
DELETE | Deletes a PGP public key. | pgppublickeys/{keyId} | |
pgpsystemkeys | POST | Adds PGP system key. | pgpsystemkeys |
PUT | Imports a PGP system key. | pgpsystemkeys | |
PUT | Updates a PGP system key. | pgpsystemkeys/{keyId} | |
GET | Searches all the PGP system keys. | pgpsystemkeys | |
GET | Gets details of a PGP system key. | pgpsystemkeys/{keyId} | |
DELETE | Removes a PGP system key. | pgpsystemkeys/{keyId} | |
protocolpublickeys | POST | Adds a public key. | protocolpublickeys |
GET | Searches public keys. | protocolpublickeys?
keyType=<string>&userServerFlag=<string>& keyStatus=<string>&userOrServerName=<string>& lastKeyId=<string> |
PUT | Updates a public key. | protocolpublickeys/{keyType}/{keyId} | |
DELETE | Deletes a public key | protocolpublickeys/{keyType}/{keyId} | |
GET | Gets a public key. | protocolpublickeys/{UserServerFlag}/{keyType}/{keyId} | |
PUT | Retrieves public keys for a server. | protocolpublickeys/server | |
protocolsystemkeys | POST | Adds a protocol system key. | protocolsystemkeys |
PUT | Imports a protocol system key. | protocolsystemkeys | |
GET | Exports a protocol system key. | protocolsystemkeys/:keyId?
serverFileName=<string>& keyType=<string> |
PUT | Updates a protocol system key. | protocolsystemkeys/{keyType}/{keyId} | |
GET | Searches all the protocol system keys. | protocolsystemkeys?
keyType=<string>&description=<string>& lastKeyId=<string> |
GET | Gets the details of a protocol system key. | protocolsystemkeys/{keyType}/{keyId} | |
DELETE | Removes a protocol system key. | protocolsystemkeys/{keyType}/{keyId} | |
roles | GET | Gets all roles.
You must have AdministratorRight, UpdateTransferUserRight to execute this call. |
roles |
PUT | Adds a user to a role./Removes a user from a role. | roles/{userId} | |
GET | Gets roles for a user. | roles/{userId} | |
GET | Gets a role.
You must have AdministratorRight, UpdateTransferUserRight. to execute this call. |
roles/id/{roleId} | |
GET | Gets all users in a role.
You must have AdministratorRight, UpdateTransferUserRight to execute this call. |
roles/users/id/{roleId} | |
servercredentials | POST | Creates server credentials. | servercredentials |
PUT | Updates server credentials. | servercredentials | |
DELETE | Removes server credential from a user. | servercredentials/{userOrGroupType}/{userOrGroupId}/{serverName} | |
GET | Gets server credentials for a user. | servercredentials/{userOrGroupType}/{userOrGroupId}/{serverName} | |
GET | Searches server credentials. | servercredentials | |
servers | POST | Adds servers. | servers |
GET | Searches servers. | servers?
serverName=<string>& ipName=<string>& serverType=<string>& serverPlatform=<string>& department=<string> |
PUT | Updates a server. | servers/{servername} | |
DELETE | Deletes a server. | servers/{servername} | |
GET | Gets a server. | servers/{servername} | |
transfers | POST | Adds transfers. | transfers |
GET | Searches transfers. | transfers?
transferId=<string>& serverFileName=<string>& authUserId=<string>& authGroupId=<string>& serverName=<string>& department=<string>& description=< string>& virtualAlias=<string>& expiredFlag=<string>& lastFileId=<string> |
GET | Gets a transfer. | transfers/{transferId} | |
PUT | Updates a transfers. | transfers/{transferId} | |
DELETE | Deletes a transfer | transfers/{transferId} | |
DELETE | Deletes expired transfers.
You must have AdministratorRight,UpdateTransferDefinitionRight to execute this call. |
transfers/expired | |
transferservers | PUT | Provides the status, starts, or stops the transfer server. | transferservers/{hostname} |
users | POST | Adds users. | users |
GET | Gets a user. | users/{userId} | |
PUT | Updates a user. | users/{userId} | |
DELETE | Deletes a user. | users/{userId} | |
GET | Gets transfers for a user. | users/{userId}/transfers | |
GET | Searches users. | users?
userId=<string>& FullName=<string>& AssignedRight=<string>& Group=<string>& EmailAddress=<string>& UserType=<string>& Department=<string>& fromExpirationDate=<string>& toExpirationDate=<string>& DisabledUsers=<string>& LockedUsers=<string>& canChangeOwnPassword=<string>& PasswordNeverExpires=<string>& PasswordExpired=<string>& lastUserId=<string> |
Important Guidelines for REST Calls
Public Key / PGP Public Key REST Calls: You must enter key data with \r\n characters. For example:In TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™, \r\n characters must be replaced with &crlf; character.
- Search REST Calls: The wildcard character used for search requests is asterisk (*).
- Search User and Transfer REST Calls: The search user REST calls return only 100 records at a time. To retrieve the next 100 records, you must set lastUserId parameter to the last user id value that was returned in the previous call. Similarly, for the search transfers rest calls, you must set the lastFileId parameter to the last transfer id value that was returned in the previous call.
- Update Server REST Calls: You can reset to the default value for the following fields as shown.
Fields Default Value Reset Request FTPKeepAliveInterval The default value is 0 "ftpKeepAliveInterval": "" ftpPoolingIdleTimeout The default value is 5 "ftpPoolingIdleTimeout": "" sshPoolingIdleTimeout The default value is 5 "sshPoolingIdleTimeout": "" Example:- If you want to update the field values to 20, 60, and 60 respectively, enter the request as follows:
"sshPoolingIdleTimeout": "60"
- If you want to reset the fields to their default values, enter the request as follows:
"ftpKeepAliveInterval": "",
"ftpPoolingIdleTimeout": "",
"sshPoolingIdleTimeout": ""
- If you want to update the field values to 20, 60, and 60 respectively, enter the request as follows: