
The SearchForTransfers command action searches for all file definitions that match the defined selection criteria.

The user can use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard character for SOAP and the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character for REST in all parameters to select file definitions based on a partial key. To use the SearchForTransfers command the user must have UpdateTransferDefinitionRight. For more information on these rights, see the AddUserToRole command.

Parameter Description Default Required
AuthGroupId Specifies the 1 to 64 character TIBCO MFT Internet Server group ID that is authorized to transfer this file. A transfer can be authorized to a user ID or a group. See also UserId. All No

Specifies the department associated with the file. The value is ignored for department admin.

None No
Description Specifies the 1 to 256 character description of this file; this description is presented to the client user to describe the contents of the file. The entire description must be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ") if there are any imbedded spaces. None No

Specifies the valid values for this parameter are as follows: Y:yes, N:no

None No
FTPAlias Specifies the transfer virtual alias. None No
ServerFileName Specifies the 1 to 256 character file name/location of the server machine. If the ServerName is *LOCAL, the ServerFileName would be located on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server. If the file name/location contains embedded blanks the entire filename must be enclosed in double quotes(“). None No
ServerName Specifies the 1 to 64 character name of the TIBCO MFT Internet Server node within your network. A TIBCO MFT Internet Server node is a target destination that is running MFT Platform Server that can send or receive files. The ServerName may also be specified as *LOCAL, this refers to the TIBCO MFT Internet Server which does not need to be running MFT Platform Server. None No
TransferId Specifies the 12 character transfer ID that is assigned when the file definition is added. None No
UserId Specifies the 1 to 64 character TIBCO MFT Internet Server user ID of the user who authorized to transfer this file. A transfer can be authorized to a user ID or a group. See also AuthGroupId. None No

Sample SearchTransfers Command

This command searches for all file definitions that match the selection criteria. Note that ServerFileName uses the wildcard character to match based on a partial key, while the ServerName parameter must exactly match the value in the file record.

java cfcc.CFAdmin a:SearchForTransfers ServerFileName:/tmp/% ServerName:NYNode1