Step 11: Prepare the Kubernetes Environment


  1. Set up an NFS (Network File System) for TIBCO MFT Internet Server files that is persistent and not deleted when the Docker container is terminated. Make sure that all Kubernetes nodes and network can access the file share with write permissions.
    Note: To use TIBCO MFT Internet Server without persistent storage, you can choose one of the following options:
    • Add the following variables to the existing variables in the environment section of your Kubernetes YAML file. For more information on these variables, see Important YAML Parameters.
      value: "mysql"
      value: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/gwlmft821?characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC"
      value: "root"
      value: "KIt6zmvY8sfpxerqN6HGlj21CPo="
      value: "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"


    • Run the following Docker commands. For more information on these environment variables, see Important YAML Parameters.
      -e COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_TYPE='mysql'
      -e COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_URL='jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/gwlmft821?characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC'
      -e COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_USER='root'
      -e COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_PWD='KIt6zmvY8sfpxerqN6HGlj21CPo='
      -e COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_DRIVER='com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
      For example:
      docker run -it --rm -p 7443:7443 -p 7080:7080 -e COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_TYPE='mysql' -e 
      COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_URL='jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/gwlmft821?characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC' -e 
      COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_USER='root' -e COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_PWD='KIt6zmvY8sfpxerqN6HGlj21CPo=' -e 
      COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DB_DRIVER='com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' library/mftis8.3.0:v5
    Note: You can use the following option in the clouddbconfig Server Detail Menu to display the environment variables in Kubernetes and Docker formats:

    7. Display Cloud Database Environment Variables

  2. Where necessary, update the following files with NFS server information:
  3. Update the YAML files.

    TIBCO MFT Internet Server provides the following YAML file in the MFT-Install/cloud/k8s_samples/yaml_default/ directory. You must review this and update the file where necessary.

    mftis_svc.yaml service and deployment for mftis (only use this if you want to create service for mftis)

    Default settings have been made for the ports.

    We suggest that you review the important parameters in the mftis_svc.yaml file. For more information, see Important YAML Parameters.

    Different Kubernetes environments have different requirements. You must configure your internet servers as services or pods based on the requirements of your installation.

  4. Copy the Docker YAML files to a directory on the Kubernetes master server. Make a directory to save the YAML files.
    mkdir /mftk8s

    cp MFT-Install/cloud/k8s_samples/yaml_default/mftis_svc.yaml /mftk8s

  5. Copy the file defined by COM_TIBCO_MFT_CE_DBCFG to the proper place in persistent storage.
    For special configurations, see Advanced Samples.