====================================================================== Product Name : TIBCO(R) Managed File Transfer Platform Server for IBM i Release Version : 8.0.0 Release Date : September 2019 ====================================================================== Introduction TIBCO MFT Platform Server for IBM i 8.0.0 is now generally available. MFT Platform Server enables secure, controlled file transfer activity on all platforms. With the power of MFT Platform Server, users can transfer critical business files between applications, integrate data from a network of stores or branch locations, or send large files to an offshore data center. Release 8.0.0 includes support for the latest version of the IBM i operating system and also resolves outstanding issues from the previous version of MFT Platform Server for IBM i. TIBCO continues to stay ahead of the competition by adding the most advanced technology to MFT Platform Server for IBM i. ====================================================================== Supported Platforms IBM i5/OS for iSeries V7R1, V7R2, V7R3 32-bit on iSeries V7R1, V7R2, V7R3 64-bit on iSeries Additional Information Support for TIBCO Managed File Transfer is provided for IBM products that are currently in the mainstream support. When IBM i reaches end of mainstream support they will fix security issues but there are limits on what they will do for non-security related issues. Because of this we may run into a problem where there is an IBM i issue that will not be addressed by IBM that may affect the level of support that TIBCO would be able to provide. Therefore, support for TIBCO MFT may be limited in some circumstances for the IBM i products that are in the Extended Support phase. Once an IBM product reached the end of the Extended Support phase TIBCO no longer provides any support for that product. ====================================================================== Minimum Hardware Requirements Disk Space: 100 MB Memory: 1 GB ====================================================================== Documentation Documentation for this and other TIBCO products is available on the TIBCO Documentation site. This site is updated more frequently than any documentation that might be included with the product. To ensure that you are accessing the latest available help topics, visit: https://docs.tibco.com. ====================================================================== TIBCO Product Support You can contact TIBCO Support in the following ways: For an overview of TIBCO Support, visit http://www.tibco.com/services/support. For accessing the Support Knowledge Base and getting personalized content about products you are interested in, visit the TIBCO Support portal at https://support.tibco.com. For creating a Support case, you must have a valid maintenance or support contract with TIBCO. You also need a user name and password to log in to https://support.tibco.com. If you do not have a user name, you can request one by clicking Register on the website. ====================================================================== Copyright (c) 2019. TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.