The Network View

Use the buttons along the top row to perform your tasks. From left to right, you can use the buttons to perform the following operations:
  1. Create a new network view
  2. Add a server to the list
  3. Start an MFT Platform Server
  4. Stop an MFT Platform Server
  5. View/Change Server Properties
  6. SSL Settings
  7. View/ Change Configured Post Processing
  8. Refresh view
  9. Create a new transfer
  10. Create a new transfer template
  11. Create a new directory named initiation entry
  12. View/ Change selected object properties (transfers, templates, and DNI)
  13. Delete selected objects (transfer s, template s, and DNI)
  14. Hold (transfers and DNI)
  15. Release (transfers and DNI)
  16. Abort (transfers)
  17. View items in large icons
  18. View items in small icons
  19. View items in a list
  20. View items in detail
  21. Change the detail view fields

You can use the menu to perform the same tasks as the buttons. This Guide describes the Administrator's functionality in terms of the buttons.