The TCP/IP tab is displayed in TCP transfer. You can set the network information under this tab.

Elements Description
Port Number This is the secondary network address for the TCP/IP transfer. In TCP/IP networks, applications choose a specific port number for transactions so they do not conflict with other applications at the same TCP/IP address. By default, MFT Platform Server for Windows uses 46464. If other applications on your network use this port number, use a different port for your MFT Platform transfers.
Secure Protocol Select the protocol used for this transfer. Valid options are:
  • Plain - TLS/SSL is not used
  • SSL - TLS is used to validate the client and server and to pass an encrypted encryption key in the TLS Session. Then the TLS Session is terminated and data is encrypted using the encryption key passed in the TLS Session. A message digest and sequence number is added to each packet and is verified by the Responder.
  • Tunnel - All data is sent through an encrypted TLS Tunnel. We suggest using Tunnel when sending data over a public network.