File to File Transfers

To send or receive a file, you must specify several parameters on the command line.

Required parameters are associated with the following aspects:
  • The transfer's direction.
  • The action that should be performed at the destination (written to a file, sent to printer or executed as a job).
  • The local file name.
  • The remote file name.

Transfer Direction Parameters

Parameter Description
Send The file is sent from the local side to a remote system.
Receive The file is received from a remote system.
Submit This parameter is used with the FS:ServerName parameter to submit a transfer to another MFT Platform Server. Specify transfer parameters as you normally do on a command line.

If the Submit parameter is specified and a server name is not specified (/fs:ServerName), an error occurs.

Action Parameters

Parameter Description
File To store the contents of the file transfer in a file. This is the default action.
Print To send the file being transferred directly to the print queue or spool on the remote side.
Job To send a local file to a remote system where the partner executes it as a batch job.
Remote Command To execute a command on a remote system. The output is stored in a local file that you specify. If the remote system is z/OS, the output is not returned.
Note: When you receive a file to be executed as a job on a Windows system, the job is executed in the \Windows\SYSTEM32 directory. You need to change the directory in which the batch job executes when writing your batch jobs.

File Name Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_FILE_NAME The name of the file on the local system that is to be involved in a transfer.
REMOTE_FILE_NAME The remote file name of the virtual file stored on the remote system that is the subject of the activity. The parameter value can be any combination of up to 255 characters. If the name contains embedded spaces or commas, specify the name in single quotes. If the remote system is z/OS, only the first 54 characters are significant.
The following is an example of sending a file to a remote system:
The following is an example of receiving a file from a remote system: