Uninstalling in Silent Mode

In Silent Mode, you can uninstall the product from the command line. To uninstall the product in silent mode, the .silent file should be present. Add the following parameters to the Uninstall.silent file using the syntax shown below.

<entry key="uninstallProductID">mftps-win</entry>

<entry key="uninstallProductVersion">8.0.0</entry>

<entry key="uninstallTIBCOHome">c:/tibco</entry>

To uninstall the product in silent mode:


  1. Navigate to the TIBCO_HOME/tools/universal_installer folder.
  2. Enter the following command to start the uninstallation: TIBCOUniversalInstaller.exe -silent -V responseFile="Uninstall.silent".
  3. You can also use the command line options to override the value in the silent file, but the silent file must be present. The supported options are:
    • -V uninstallTIBCOHome="<tibco home path>"

    • -V uninstallProductID="<productID>"

    • -V uninstallProductVersion="<product version>"

    • -V uninstallAllProducts="true"
      • uninstallTIBCOHome - this is the path to the TIBCO_HOME that you want to run the uninstaller. This value is required and is validated before the uninstallation can proceed in the silent mode.
      • uninstallProductID - this is the ID of the product that you want to uninstall as defined in the feature config or _installInfo xml file. A wildcard "*" can be used to uninstall all products uninstallAllProducts="true" option must be used in order to uninstall all products as well.
      • uninstallProductVersion - this is the version of the product that you specified with the uninstallProductID value. If not specified, all versions matching the uninstallProductID is removed.
      • uninstallAllProducts- this option must be used in addition to setting uninstallProductID="*" in the silent file to be able to uninstall all products.