What's New

The What's New topic lists new and revised features of TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Platform Server for Windows 8.1.0.

Updated the default values of SBUFSIZE and RBUFSIZE in the cfcos.cfg configuration file.
cfsend/cfrecv Commands
New commands (cfsend and cfrecv) are added that use the same syntax as TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Platform Server for UNIX.
Command Center Visibility
TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Command Center can view and cancel Platform Server for Windows active transfers.
Upgraded distribution to include the pDNI.zip (pDNI 8.1.1_HF-001) file.
DNIMigration Utility
DNIMigration utility helps users to convert the Windows PQF DNI Directories and templates to the pDNI templates.
File Name Tokens
Added $(YDate1), $(YDate2), $(YDate3), and $(YDate3) file name tokens for defining yesterday's date.
Added ems and emf parameters to the ftmscmd command to send emails on transfer success and failure.
High Availability
TIBCO MFT Platform Server for Windows now supports High Availability when running behind a load balancer. For more information, see TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Platform Server for Windows User Guide.
Logos and Icons
Updated the UI and other applications with the new TIBCO logos and icons.
Logs Update
  • The originating host information will be recorded in the Platform Server's Log.txt file.

  • The Log.txt file can be updated only by service users.

  • Admin changes such as Node updates, Profile updates, Service start and stop, Responder Profile updates, and Configuration updates will be recorded in the Admin.txt file.

OpenSSL and FIPS
Upgraded OpenSSL and OpenSSL FIPS to 3.0 version.
Password Length
Support for the password length is increased from 20 to 64 characters.
PPA Tokens
  • Added %Q01, %NOLLQ, and %NOHLQ transfer tokens. For more information, see TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Platform Server for Windows User Guide.

  • Added the PPA tokens help button on the Post Processing Action tab.

Pre-Processing Action
Added the Pre-Processing Action to the Platform Server transfer clients.
Responder Profiles
Password rules can be configured for Responder profiles.
If TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Internet Server detects a virus while receiving data from Platform Server, Platform Server deletes the file.
Service Account
Removed unneeded rights from the Service Account.
SMTP protocol
  • Added the ability to Trace the SMTP protocol.

  • Added the credential (UserId/Password) support for sending SMTP email notifications.

  • Added SSL support to the SMTP notification requests.

Time stamps
Added an option to maintain the file modification time stamps between Platform Servers.
TLS Protocols
Added support for the TLS 1.3 version.
Added ability to trace a transfer on both the Initiator and Responder.
Utility Programs
Added the following utility programs:
  • cfdos2unix.exe

  • cfunix2dos.exe

Other Updates
  • Added missing Platform Server for z/OS fields from Execute Platform Transfer REST calls.

  • Added a new node option for Command Center: Alter. With Alter, Command Center users can cancel active transfers.

  • Updated the TLS settings to check client certificates by default.

For more information on the new features, refer to the relevant sections in TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Platform Server for Windows User Guide.