Product Name	 : TIBCO(R) Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/Linux
Release Version	 : 8.1.2
Release Date	 : January 2025


TIBCO(R) Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/Linux is
the endpoint software where file transfers are initiated or
received. The Platform Server for z/Linux runs on a mainframe
and can connect to platform servers on other operating system
or to Internet Servers.

Supported Platforms

   Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
      11.x, 12.x 64-bit on zSeries

Additional Information 

   TIBCO(R) MFT Platform Server for z/Linux is a 64-bit application
      which is fully supported on 64-bit z/Linux operating systems.
      Support is provided by TIBCO only for the vendor’s generally
      supported release versions. Once the operating system goes into
      extended support mode, or the vendor no longer supports a
      version, it will cease to be supported by TIBCO Technical 

Minimum Hardware Requirements

   Disk Space: 100 MB An appropriate amount of
               additional local storage is recommended for file
               transfer data.

   Memory:     1 GB

   CPU:        Two or more processor cores at 2.5 GHz
               or faster for up to 100 concurrent transfers. Four or
               more for up to 200 concurrent transfers. Eight or more
               when more concurrent transfers are needed or extensive
               use of encryption or compression is used.


Documentation for this and other TIBCO products is available on
the TIBCO Documentation site. This site is updated more
frequently than any documentation that might be included with
the product. To ensure that you are accessing the latest
available help topics, visit: https://docs.tibco.com.

TIBCO Product Support

You can contact TIBCO Support in the following ways:

  For an overview of TIBCO Support, visit

  To access the Support Knowledge Base and getting personalized
  content about products you are interested in, visit the TIBCO
  Support portal at https://support.tibco.com.

  To create a Support case, you must have a valid maintenance
  or support contract with TIBCO. You also need a user name and
  password to log in to https://support.tibco.com. If you do not
  have a user name, you can request one by clicking Register on
  the website.

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