Send Request Parameters

The following table lists the send request parameters:

Parameter Description
Checkpoint interval

The Platform Server checkpoint feature uses an interval of time when determining when a checkpoint should be sent. Because the checkpointing is time-based, the checkpoint always occurs at a regular interval.

Checkpoint interval is specified in minutes and has a valid range of 1 - 90 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.

Class of Service This parameter defines the number of bytes transmitted by a node.

This parameter defines the compression algorithm used for this transfer.

Valid values are:

  • NONE: Indicates that compression is not used for this transfer. It is a good practice to specify COMPRESS=NO on high-speed links because compression actually slows down file transfers.
  • RLE: Indicates that RLE compression is used for this transfer. RLE compression is more data-dependent. That is, the compression ratio might vary widely based upon the type of data being compressed. If network bandwidth is not a critical bottleneck for your network and you must save CPU cycles, choose RLE.
  • LZ: Indicates that LZ compression is used for this transfer. LZ compression provides better compression ratios than RLE compression. LZ compression also compresses a variety of data types better. If you need better compression ratios and you can spare CPU cycles, choose LZ.
  • ZLIB: Indicates that ZLIB compression is used for this transfer. Level 1 provides fast compression but low compression ratio. Levels 7 to 9 produce the best compression quality but are slower. Typically, ZLIB2 offers the best compromise between compression quality and speed.

For more information on data compression of the Platform Server, see Data Compression.

Convert to/from ASCII This parameter is used to convert data between ASCII and EBCDIC. Set this parameter to Yes when communicating with systems with defined data structures.
Dataset name

This parameter defines the name of the local dataset for this transaction.

The dataset name must be a valid z/OS dataset and cannot exceed 255 characters in length. If the dataset provided is invalid, the interface prompts you for a valid dataset name.

To enter a long file name, a plus sign (+) must be entered as the last character in the dataset name field; an additional panel is displayed in which you can enter a long file name.

By default, the interface displays the last dataset entered for any transaction.

The following file types are supported:

  • Sequential files
  • PDS': Transfer of entire PDS, members of a PDS based on wildcards, or individual members.
  • GDGs: When specifying Generation Data Groups (GDG), you can specify a generation dataset using either its true name (that is, with the GOO-VOO qualifier) or the relative generation number. The alias name is turned into the true name at the time the file transfer is scheduled. For example, if you specify generation number -1, the dataset transferred is the one that was -1 at queuing time, not necessarily at transmission time.
  • VSAM files (KSDS, RRDS, ESDS): This access is transparent to the end user.

Valid values are:

  • NONE: Indicates that no CRLF or LF translation should be performed during the transfer.
  • CRLF: Indicates that Carriage Return/Line Feed translation should be performed during the transfer. This parameter has no effect when sent with DATA_TYPE=B (Binary).
  • LF: Indicates that only Line Feed translation should be performed during the transfer.
Eligible date and time

This parameter defines the Julian date and the time of the day the transaction is first eligible for execution.

The format of date is MM/DD/YYYY; for example, 01/10/2008 is January 10, 2008. The format of time is HHMM.

Email fail notifyThis parameter defines the email address to be used when the transfer fails.
Email good notifyThis parameter defines the email address to be used when the transfer ends successfully.
Encryption This parameter defines the level of encryption used for this transaction only. If specified, this parameter overrides the ENCRYPT parameter specified in the GLOBAL or NODE definitions for this transfer.

Valid values are as follows:

  • NONE: Indicates that encryption is not used for this transfer.
  • AES: Indicates that AES 256-bit encryption is used for this transfer.
  • AES128: Indicates that AES 128-bit encryption is used for this transfer.
  • DES: Indicates that DES encryption is used for this transfer.
  • 3DES: Indicates that triple DES encryption is used for this transfer.
  • BF|BLOWFISH: Indicates that Blowfish 56-bit encryption is used for this transfer.
  • BF|BLOWFISH_LONG: Indicates that Blowfish 448-bit encryption is used for this transfer.
  • AES: Indicates that AES 256-bit encryption is used for this transfer.
  • NEVER: Indicates that no encryption is used for this node. Even if you override the ENCRYPT option in the batch interface, encryption is still turned off for this node.
Expiration dateThis parameter defines the date at which the file transfer will be purged off of the work queue if the transfer is not yet completed.

The default value is 30 days from now.

Hold file transferThis parameter defines whether to place the file transfer in the queue on hold until such time that it is ready for transfer. To execute the transaction, you must release it from the queue.
Input Unit This parameter defines the unit name for the input tape file. It can only be used when sending uncataloged tape files.

When this parameter is specified, you must also specify the Input Volume parameter and TAPE=YES.

Note: This parameter is ignored for all receive transfers or send transfers of which the input dataset is cataloged or on a disk.

Input Volume This parameter defines the volume name that is used for the input dataset of a transfer.

When this parameter is used, the catalog is not used to allocate the input dataset. The Platform Server verifies that the dataset exists on the Input Volume specified. This parameter is valid only when the Platform Server for z/OS is sending a file to a remote system, or is receiving a file from a Platform Server for z/OS.

Note: Use this parameter with extreme care, because most sites use only cataloged datasets.

Local Conversion File This parameter defines the name of the personalized conversion file to be used for ASCII/EBCDIC conversions when sending files to the defined remote system.
Local Userid This parameter defines the local user ID of the user that is submitting the transaction.
Local password This field holds the password of the local user ID.
Logon domain This parameter defines the Windows domain to be used to authenticate a particular file transfer request that is initiated by the mainframe.

This field is Windows-specific and is only valid when sending requests to a Windows machine.

Member Include/Exclude By setting this parameter to Y, you can include or exclude PDS or PDSE file members in a send or receive transfer conducted between two z/OS systems.

Up to 25 member names can be defined by this parameter. This parameter is ignored when the dataset names on both ends of the file transfer are not PDS or PDSE files.

When you set this parameter to Y and press Enter, the Member Include/Exclude screen is displayed. See Member Include/Exclude for more details.

Node Class This parameter defines the node class that is used for this file transfer request.

This is only used when the NODE definition associated with the request defines the DEFAULT_NODECLASS parameter with a non-zero value. If the transfer request does not use a NODE definition, or if the NODE definition specifies DEFAULT_NODECLASS=0, NODECLASS processing will not be performed. If you define the NODECLASS parameter with a value higher than that of the NODE WINNERS parameter, the request will be flagged as an error and the request will be retried at the next error interval.

Notify type This parameter defines the type of user ID to notify after a file transfer terminates. This is used in conjunction with the User ID to be notified parameter.
Output Volume This parameter defines the volume name that is used for the output dataset of a transfer.

If this parameter is used, the catalog is not used to allocate the output dataset. The Platform Server verifies that the dataset exists on the Output Volume specified.

Use this parameter with extreme care, because most sites use only cataloged datasets. If you use this parameter with a cataloged dataset and specify a different volume than the one the cataloged dataset resides on, a duplicate uncataloged dataset will be created on the Output Volume volume.

This parameter is valid only when the Platform Server for z/OS is receiving a file from a remote system, or is sending a file to a Platform Server for z/OS.

Platform file options

Based on the remote platform from which you are sending a file to or receiving a file, your file options differ.

If you choose z/OS, the z/OS Options panel is displayed. See z/OS Options for details.

If you choose Windows, the Windows Options panel is displayed. See Windows Options for details.

If you choose UNIX, the UNIX Options panel is displayed. See UNIX Options for details.

Post Processing Action (PPA)This parameter specifies the conditions when a postprocessing action should occur based on success or failure of the transfer, whether it should be executed locally or remotely, the type of command and the data that should be executed.
PriorityThis parameter defines the execution priority assigned to the transaction when it is placed in the queue. Transactions with a higher priority are executed before those with a lower priority.

The valid values are 0 - 9; wherein, 0 represents the lowest priority.

Process nameThis parameter defines an 8 character process name.
RS AcceleratorSetting this parameter to Y will force a transfer to be conducted through a Platform Server for Windows platform TIBCO Accelerator server. By using the TIBCO Accelerator technology, you can greatly improve data transfer speeds over IP networks with high latency.

Note: You must be licensed for RSAccelerator (RSA) to use this technology.

RS CompressWhen conducting file transfers through an RSAccelerator (RSA), you can configure the RSA server to compress the data being transferred. RSA uses a proprietary compression compatible with ZLIB. If you set the compression to D (Default), the file receives the greatest compression and might take slightly longer to transfer. If you set the compression to F (Fast), the file is less compressed but is sent out faster.
RS EncryptWhen conducting file transfers through an RSAccelerator (RSA), you can define the RSA server to encrypt the data with a 256-bit Blowfish encryption key by setting this parameter Y (Yes).
RS HostThis parameter defines the IP address or host name of the Platform Server for Windows platform TIBCO Accelerator server.
RS Max SpeedWhen conducting file transfers through an RSAccelerator (RSA), you can set the maximum speed in kilobytes per second to be used by the RSA server.
RS PortThis parameter defines the port number of the Platform Server for Windows platform TIBCO Accelerator server is listening on for transfers using the TIBCO Accelerator technology.
RS ProtocolWhen conducting file transfers through an RSAccelerator (RSA), you can define the RSA server to use its own enhanced version of User Datagram Protocol (UDP), TIBCO Accelerator's parallel implementation of TCP, called Parallel Delivery Protocol (PDP), or straight TCP.
Receiving File Disp: Remote File Options

Valid values are:

  • Create: Creates a file on the remote system with the attributes and characteristics as specified. If the file already exists on the remote system, the transaction fails.
  • Replace: Replaces the contents of the destination file with the contents of the source file. The characteristics and attributes of the remote file remain unchanged. If the file does not exist, the transaction fails.
  • Append: Appends the contents of the source file to the end of the destination file. The characteristics and attributes of the remote file remain unchanged. If the file does not exist, the transaction fails.
  • Create/Replace: If the file does not exist on the remote open system, creates the file; if the file does exist, replaces its contents with the contents of the source file. The characteristics and attributes of the remote file remain unchanged.
  • Create/Append: If the file does not exist on the remote system, creates the file; if the file does exist, appends the contents of the source file to the end of the destination file. The characteristics and attributes of the remote file remain unchanged.
  • Create/Replace New: Creates the remote file or replaces it with new attributes. Only specify this option when transferring files with ICL VME mainframes.
Receiving File Disp:Remote Error Status This parameter defines the disposition of the remote file when the transfer ends in error.
Receiving File Disp:Remote Normal Status This parameter defines the disposition of the remote file when the transfer ends successfully.
Remote Conversion File This parameter defines the name of the remote conversion file to be used for ASCII/EBCDIC text conversions when sending a file to the defined remote system.
Remote IP port If the remote system type is an IP name or IP address, you can enter the IP port on which the system is listening. If the remote system type is a node, LU name, or List, this field is ignored.

The valid values are 0 - 65535.

Remote file name This parameter defines the name by which a file is known at the remote side.

The file name can include up to 255 characters (including embedded spaces). If the remote file name contains embedded spaces, the file name must be enclosed in double quotation marks. To enter a long file name, a plus sign (+) must be entered as the last character in the file name field; after that, an additional panel is displayed in which you can enter a long file name.

Note: By default, the interface displays the last file name entered for any transaction.

Remote password

This field holds the password of the remote user ID used to log on to the remote Platform Server.

Note: This field is not displayed and has no default value.

The remote password can be up to 20 characters in length.

When the remote system is a Platform Server for z/OS, you can optionally change the password of the remote user ID by typing the old password followed by a slash and the new password.

For example, Remote Password. . . .oldpass/newpass.

Remote system name Based on what you configure for the Remote system type field, you can configure this field with either the node name being used for another PS remote system, an LU name for the remote Platform Server, the IP address or the IP name for a remote PS system.

Note: Nodes are defined in members of the Platform Server resource definition library named CONFIG.

Remote system type This parameter is required. It defines how the Platform Server communicates with the remote system.

Valid values are:

  • Node/LU
  • IP address
  • IP name
  • List

This field is used in conjunction with the Remote system name field.

Note: If you want to use the DNS lookup feature (IPNAME=...), you must concatenate the IBM C Runtime libraries in the STEPLIB. Also, the SYSTCPD DD name must be in the Platform Server JCL and must point to the TCPIP DATA configuration file.

Remote userid

This parameter defines the user ID for the remote system or the name by which the issuer is known to the remote system. This field is not required by the Platform Server.

This parameter defaults to the last user ID entered in this field and is restricted to 20 characters in length.

If you specify *PROFILE, the Platform Server checks the PROFILE dataspace for a profile for this user ID that matches the NODE/IPNAME/IPADDR/LIST names.

Remove Trailing Spaces When transmitting text files to remote systems, you can set this parameter to Yes to remove all trailing spaces and nulls before the file is transmitted. In this way, the transfer runs faster, and takes up less disk space on the remote system.

This parameter is only in effect when communicating with Platform Server for Windows and Platform Server for UNIX systems. It is ignored when communicating with Platform Server for z/OS or for binary transfers.

Retention periodThis parameter defines the number of days after the eligible date that the transaction expires and is purged from the queue.

When this field is specified, its value overrides the value of the Expiration date parameter.

Retry transfer countThis parameter defines the number of attempts that the Platform Server makes to complete this transaction.

The valid values are 0 - 99; wherein, 0 means no limit.

Sending File Disp: Local Error Status This parameter defines the disposition of the local file when the transfer ends in error.
Sending File Disp: Local File Options

Valid values are:

  • Create: Creates a file on the remote system with the attributes and characteristics as specified. If the file already exists on the remote system, the transaction fails.
  • Replace: Replaces the contents of the destination file with the contents of the source file. The characteristics and attributes of the remote file remain unchanged. If the file does not exist, the transaction fails.
  • Append: Appends the contents of the source file to the end of the destination file. The characteristics and attributes of the remote file remain unchanged. If the file does not exist, the transaction fails.
  • Create/Replace: If the file does not exist on the remote open system, creates the file; if the file does exist, replaces its contents with the contents of the source file. The characteristics and attributes of the remote file remain unchanged.
  • Create/Append: If the file does not exist on the remote system, creates the file; if the file does exist, appends the contents of the source file to the end of the destination file. The characteristics and attributes of the remote file remain unchanged.
  • Create/Replace New: Creates the remote file or replaces it with new attributes. Only specify this option when transferring files with ICL VME mainframes.
Sending File Disp: Local Normal Status This parameter defines the disposition of the local file when the transfer ends successfully.
TLS Required This parameter defines whether Secure Sockets is used for this request.

Note: This definition overrides the GLOBAL or NODE definitions.

If you specify YES, the Platform Server attempts to use SSL to authenticate both ends of the connection. When you specify NO, the Platform Server does not use SSL authentication. The default value is NO.

By specifying TUNNEL, all transfer data will be sent over an encrypted TLS Tunnel connection.

Tape This parameter notifies the Platform Server that the request is for a tape. It can only be used when sending uncataloged tape files.

The default value is NO.

When this parameter is specified, you must also specify the Input Unit and Input Volume parameters.

Note: This parameter is ignored for all receive transfers or send transfers of which the input dataset is cataloged or on a disk.

User descriptionThis parameter defines an optional 25-character description of the transaction being processed.

This is descriptive data that might be supplied with the transaction.

Userid to be notified This parameter defines the user ID to be notified with transaction information or error messages. The user ID is limited to 8 characters in length.

Member Include/Exclude

The following screen is displayed when you set the Member Include/Exclude parameter to Y. In this screen, you can define to include or exclude PDS or PDSE file members in a send or receive transfer conducted between two z/OS systems.

z/OS Options

The following panel is displayed when you set the Platform file options parameter to z/OS.

The following table lists the parameters in the z/OS Options panel:

Parameter Description
Record: Format

This parameter defines the record format of the dataset being created. The default is Variable.

Valid values are:

  • Fixed Blocked: All blocks and all logical records are fixed in size and each block includes one or more logical records.
  • Vareach blockiable Blocked: Blocks and logical record length can be of any size. Each block includes one or more logical records.
  • Fixed: Each record contains exactly the number of characters defined by the record length.
  • Variable: The length of each record is less than or equal to the record length.
  • Undefined: Blocks are of variable size. The blocks do not include any logical records. The logical record length is displayed as zero. You must also specify the Block size parameter if you specify Undefined.
Record: Length This parameter defines the logical record length, in bytes, of the records to be stored in the dataset. The default value is 0.
Record: Block size This parameter defines the size of the block.

For FB, the block size must be a multiple of the record length.

For VB, the record length can be any size up to the block size minus four. The maximum value is 32760. If you set this parameter to the default value, 0, the operating system determines the optimum block size.

Class: Data This parameter represents the z/OS data class as defined to the Data Facility/System Managed Storage. In addition, it is used to indirectly select file attributes such as record format and logical record length.

This parameter can contain 1 - 8 characters, including numeric, alphabetic, or national characters ($, #, or @). The first character must be an alphabetic or national character.

Class: Management This parameter represents the z/OS management class as defined to the Data Facility/System Managed Storage.

This parameter can contain 1 - 8 characters, including numeric, alphabetic, or national characters ($, #, or @). The first character must be an alphabetic or national character.

Class: Storage This parameter represents the z/OS storage class as defined to the Data Facility/System Managed Storage, which is used to indicate the media type for the host file and the installation backup, restore and archive policies.

This parameter can contain 1 - 8 characters, including numeric, alphabetic, or national characters ($, #, or @). The first character must be an alphabetic or national character.

Allocation: Type

Valid values are:

  • Tracks: If dataset size is expressed in tracks
  • Cylinders: If dataset size is expressed in cylinders
  • Megabytes: If dataset size is expressed in megabytes
  • Kilobytes: If dataset size is expressed in kilobytes
Allocation: Primary This parameter defines the primary allocation quantity used by the z/OS partner when creating datasets as the initial number of units of tracks, cylinders, and so on to allocate.
Allocation: Secondary This parameter defines the secondary allocation quantity used by the z/OS partner when creating datasets as the next number of units of tracks, cylinders, and so on to allocate when the initial space in the dataset has been exhausted.
Allocation: Directory Blocks Only specify this field when creating a PDS (Partitioned dataset). This parameter specifies the number of 256-byte directory blocks for a PDS.

Note: When creating a sequential dataset, leave this field blank.

Volume This parameter defines the volume name of the disk drive on which the z/OS dataset is to be allocated.

It can contain 1 - 6 characters.

Unit This parameter defines the name of the type of unit where the host dataset is to be allocated.

It can contain 1 - 8 characters.

Availability This parameter defines the availability of the file on the target system.

Valid values are:

  • I (Immediate): Immediate availability.
  • D (Deferred): Deferred availability.
Dataset type

This parameter defines the type of file to be created. By default, the file type of the remote file is used.

Valid values are:

  • Seq: Sequential dataset
  • VSAM: VSAM dataset
  • PDS/E: Partitioned dataset extended
  • PDS: Partitioned dataset
  • DA: Direct access
VSAM attributes: Type This parameter defines the type of VSAM file to be created. This field is used only when creating a VSAM file. If this parameter is not defined, the source file type is used when creating the file.

Valid values are:

  • KSDS: Key sequenced dataset
  • ESDS: Entry sequenced dataset
  • RRDS: Relative record dataset
VSAM attributes: Key Position This parameter defines the relative position of the key relative to zero. It is only used for VSAM KSDS files, and is ignored for other VSAM file types. If this field is not defined, the key position of the source file is used. The valid values are 0 - 32760.

Note: This field is a displacement. Therefore, for a key in the first byte of a record, the key position must be defined as 0.

VSAM attributes: Key Length This parameter defines the key length. This is only used for VSAM KSDS files, and is ignored for other VSAM file types. If this field is not defined, the key position of the source file is used. the valid values are 1 - 255.
VSAM attributes: Like DSN This parameter defines a file that is used as a model for creating VSAM files. This field is used only when creating a VSAM file. If this field is not defined, the attributes of the source file are used.
VSAM attributes: RRDS Slot This parameter is used only when sending or receiving an RRDS file.

When sending a record, it defines the Platform Server to insert the RRDS slot number in the first 4 bytes of the record read.

When receiving a record, it informs the Platform Server that the RRDS slot number is in the first 4 bytes of the record to be written. This enables a RRDS to RRDS file transfer to maintain the RRDS slot numbers.

VSAM attributes: REUSE

This parameter defines whether the file should be opened with the REUSE option. The REUSE option overrides the file when it is used. It can be done under the following two circumstances:

  • When the IDCAMS REUSE parameter is defined
  • When the file is being loaded for the first time

If VSAM_REUSE is specified under any other circumstances, VSAM returns an OPEN error, and the transfer is terminated.

Windows Options

The following panel is displayed when you set the Platform file options parameter to Windows.

The following table lists the parameters in the Windows Options panel:

Parameter Description
ACL Template

The receiving partner uses this file name as a template for its Access Control List (ACL). The ACL is a list that specifies users and groups and their access permissions to a file.

The ACL of this file is copied to the ACL of the destination file. On Windows, the file specified must be readable by the partner that is receiving the file to file transfer.

Note: This field is Windows-specific and is only valid when sending a file to a Windows machine.

File Attributes

You can define the following file attributes:

  • System: Indicates that the file is a system file that only the operating system, not the user, can view it.
  • Hidden: Indicates that the user cannot view this file.
  • Read Only: Indicates that the user can view this file but cannot modify it.
  • Archive: Marks a file that has changed since it was last backed up.
  • NTFS Compressed: Creates and compresses the file on the remote system (when this attribute is selected from the panel, batch interface, JCL, or TSO). This attribute is available on NTFS partitions. If the receiving file system is not NTFS, this parameter is ignored.
  • EOF: Appends an end of file marker to the end of the file.
  • CRLF/EOF: Appends a CR/LF (0x0d, 0x0a) to the end of the file, followed by the DOS End of File character, Control Z (0x1a). If a trailing Control Z or CR/LF is already present, it is not added again. This attribute is available only when Carriage Return/Line Feed processing is enabled.

UNIX Options

The following panel is displayed when you set the Platform file options parameter to UNIX.

The following table lists the parameter in the UNIX Options panel:

Parameter Description
UNIX Permissions This parameter defines the permissions given to a file sent to a UNIX system. Select the options according to the authority that you want to give to the user, group, and other.

This parameter can be any valid value of 000 - 777.

Additional Parameters for Sending to Printer

The following table lists the two parameters that are specific to the "Send to printer" panel:

Parameter Description
Remote printer name This parameter defines the name of the printer to which the file is sent. By specifying this parameter, you can send the file that is being transferred directly to the print queue or spool on the remote or local side.
SYSOUT Parameters

If you have specified that a mainframe printer is the file destination, you can specify the SYSOUT parameters. These parameters are Windows-specific and are only valid when sending a file to a Windows machine.

  • Class: This parameter defines the class to which the JES output will be routed. This is a mandatory parameter. On mainframes, the printer queues are organized around a printer class rather than around a specific printer. The class has a one-character name (alphabetic or numeric character). Ask the mainframe staff for the class name.
  • FCB: This parameter defines the form control block for the JES output. This is a symbolic name on the mainframe that is essentially a "font profile". The FCB name is defined by an administrator (or systems programmer) on a mainframe and indicates character size and so on.

    Note: Do not specify a value for this unless necessary.

  • Form: This parameter defines the form name upon which this output should be printed. The host operator will receive a message to load the correct type of paper into the printer to print this report. For example, if you are printing shipping labels, the operator will be prompted to load labels into the printer before the printing starts. If you need to use this parameter, tell the operator at the mainframe printer site what paper form to load when he or she sees this name.
  • Copies: This parameter defines the number of times that the JES report will be printed on the host printer. The default value is 1.
  • Writer: This parameter defines the external writer name that will be used to process this printer file on the mainframe. Essentially, this is the name of a "service" program on the mainframe, which will be given control when it is time to process this file from the printer queue. The "service" program, which is written by the customer, decides how it wants to process this print file.

    Note: Do not specify a value for this parameter unless you are directed to by the systems analyst on the mainframe.

  • Destination: This parameter defines the JES print destination name which can be a 1-character to 8-character symbolic name that identifies routing information for this print file on the mainframe. This "destination" might indicate the name of a branch office, geographic location, or specific printer to which the report will be sent. If this value is not supplied, most mainframe systems applies a default value of LOCAL.

Additional Parameters for Sending a Command

The following table lists the two parameters that are specific to the "Send to command" panel.

Parameter Description
Remote command This parameter defines the command to execute on the remote system. Commands cannot be sent to a target z/OS system.
Local file If a local file name is defined, it will be used to store the output of the remote command if the remote system is Windows or UNIX (z/OS does not send back output).