Marshalling Messages from FTL to MQTT

FTL Payload

TIBCO FTL-MQTT Bridge, by default, converts any FTL message delivered to the server endpoint into a JSON string. This JSON string will be used as the payload of the outgoing MQTT message.

Marshalling the FTL Payload as JSON

If the configuration option ftl_marshal_as_json is set to false, TIBCO FTL-MQTT Bridge will use the FTL field with the field name specified by the ftl_payload_field configuration option as the payload of the outgoing MQTT message.

Defining an MQTT Topic

TIBCO FTL-MQTT Bridge uses the value of the string field with the field name specified by ftl_topic_field as the topic of the outgoing MQTT message. The override_topic configuration option can be used to force the topic to an administratively defined value.

Warning: If a topic is not provided, either in the message or by override, the TIBCO FTL-MQTT Bridge will not forward FTL messages.

MQTT QoS and Retain Options

The TIBCO FTL-MQTT Bridge uses the value of the int64 field with the field name specified by the ftl_qos_field and ftl_retained_field configuration options as the MQTT QoS and retained option values (respectively) of the outgoing MQTT message. The override_qos and override_topic configuration file options can be used to force MQTT QoS and retained options to administratively defined values.

For more information on the configuration options, see TIBCO FTL-MQTT Bridge Configuration Reference.