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Using Messages With Identifiers : US: DOB Supervisor Tasks

US: DOB Supervisor Tasks
% stopped due to error
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message indicates the exit status of an internal Data Object Broker process. In this case the process stopped after detecting a problem. Look for previous error messages that may indicate the specific problem.
No action required for this message. If other messages are present they may require specific actions.
% startup completed (pid=%)
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The internal Data Object Broker process has started and initialized successfully. The pid is the identifier for the process.
No action is required.
Unable to transmit message % to %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This problem may occur during abend situations if parts of the Data Object Broker have stopped unexpectedly. If there are no apparent reasons for this problem to occur then this message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
If you suspect that this is a Data Object Broker internal problem then contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Unable to receive message
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This problem may occur during abend situations if the internal communication mechanism has been damaged. If there are no apparent reasons for this problem to occur then this message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
If you suspect that this is a Data Object Broker internal problem then contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Unexpected message % received
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
Contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Operator command: %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The operator command indicated in the message was issued.
No action required.
Data Object Broker stopped
DOB Supervisor Tasks
All internal processes of the Data Object Broker have been stopped and all resources have been cleaned up.
No action required.
Data Object Broker shutdown requested
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker has received a shutdown request. This can occur in the following ways: a SHUTDOWN operator command is received, a shutdown request is issued from an Execution Environment, a "hrncr shutdown" or "hrncr stop" command is issued, or a SIGTERM signal is sent to the hrncr supervisor process of the Data Object Broker.
No action required.
Unable to initialize shared rules buffer
DOB Supervisor Tasks
An attempt to create the shared rules buffer, used by local Execution Environments, has failed. Look for a previous error message to indicate the specific problem.
Review the previous messages to determine the appropriate action to take.
Data Objct Broker kill requested
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker has received a kill request. The Object Service Broker System Administrator has issued the "hrncr kill" command, or a SIGABRT signal has been sent to the hrncr supervisor process of the Data Object Broker.
No action required.
Starting %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker is attempting to start an internal process.
No action required.
Unable to start %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker was unable to start an internal process. The specific reason for the failure is indicated by the errno value that should be part of this message. The most likely cause of failure is a shortage of memory or process entries in the system. It may also be the result of a configured limit on the number of processes.
The system administrator may be needed to help understand and fix the problem. Exceeding the configured limit on the number of processes may require updates to the kernel configuration.
Unable to start %, maximum number of processes started
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
Contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Unable to start %, process already started or running, pid=%
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
Contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Unable to register %, already registered
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
Contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Unable to terminate message queue port '%'
DOB Supervisor Tasks
During shutdown, the Data Object Broker was unable to terminate an internal communication queue. A previous message should indicate the specific problem.
Review the previous messages to determine the appropriate actions to take.
Unexpected message type % received
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
Contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Unable to reply to request
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
Contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
% stopped
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message indicates the exit status of an internal Data Object Broker process. In this case, the process shutdown successfully with no problems.
No action required.
% stopped due to signal %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message indicates the exit status of an internal Data Object Broker process. In this case, the process was terminated by a signal. If the signal is SIGKILL, the process was likely terminated as part of the cleanup during an abnormal termination of the Data Object Broker. Signals such as SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, and SIGBUS are exception conditions raised by the system that indicate an internal Data Object Broker problem.
If you suspect that this is a Data Object Broker internal problem then contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Data Object Broker abending, startup time limit exceeded, time=% minutes
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker is abending because the overall startup procedure took too long.
A very busy system may account for the delay in the startup. Otherwise the Data Object Broker is likely hanging as it attempts to access either communications or files.
If this problem is due simply to a busy system, increase the value of the TIMEOUTSTART parameter in the crparm file. Verify that the devices and file systems that hold the Pagestore are available, and that TCP/IP communications are responding.
Data Object Broker abending, shutdown time limit exceeded, time=% minutes
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker is abending because the shutdown procedure took too long.
You may need to manually drop any sessions and transaction programs that may be "hung".
Data Objec Broker abending, shutdown requested during startup
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker is abending because a shutdown was requested while it was starting up.
Start up the Data Object Broker again, if it is required.
Data Objec Broker abending, child process stopped unexpectedly
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker is abending because one or more Data Object Broker processes have stopped without being asked to stop. Subsequent messages should indicate the status of each of the internal processes and should help identify which process stopped unexpectedly.
Review the messages to determine the appropriate actions to take.
Data Objec Broker abending
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker is abending because the Object Service Broker system administrator issued the "hrncr kill" command, or because a SIGABRT signal was sent to the hrncr supervisor process.
No action required for this message. If other messages are present they may require specific actions.
Data Object Broker abending, unexpected signal % received
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The Data Object Broker is abending because a signal was received that was not anticipated. The signal was likely sent explicitly from the Object Service Broker System Administrator's account, or from a user with root authority. If there is no explanation for the signal then this may indicate an internal Data Object Broker problem.
If you suspect that this is a Data Object Broker internal problem then contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Data Object Broker - TIBCO(r) Object Service Broker Release %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
Identifies the release of TIBCO(r) Object Service Broker which is being used.
No action is required.
Data Object Broker abending, MaxUsers exceeds NOFILES
DOB Supervisor Tasks
The number of users is greater than the hard limit for the number of file descriptors for the system.
Decrease users in the crparm file, or have the system administrator increase the number of file descriptors allowed per process.
Data Object Broker abend requested, fn=%, source=%(%)
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message shows the function name, source, and line number of an abend.
Review all messages to determine the appropriate actions to take.
Process (pid=%) stopped due to error (exit code=%)
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message identifies the process and its exit code.
Accompanying messages should tell what action to take.
System library call failed: %, errno=%
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message traces the failure of an operating system function. A subsequent message will usually indicate the effects of the failure. The errno value may be useful in determining the cause of the problem.
Consult the appropriate system programming manual for your system to determine the meaning of the errno value. Your system administrator may be needed to help diagnose the problem.
Error: errno=%
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message traces the initial detection of a failure in the Data Object Broker. A subsequent message will usually indicate the effects of the failure. This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
If you suspect that this is a Data Object Broker internal problem then contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
System library call failed: %, errno=%, %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message traces the failure of an operating system function. A subsequent message will usually indicate the effects of the failure. The errno value may be useful in determining the cause of the problem.
Consult the appropriate system programming manuals for your system to determine the meaning of the errno value. The system administrator may be needed to help diagnose the problem.
Internal library call failed: %, errno=%
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message traces the failure of an internal Data Object Broker function. A subsequent message will usually indicate the effects of the failure. This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
If you suspect that this is a Data Object Broker internal problem then contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Internal library call failed: %, errno=%, %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message traces the failure of an internal Data Object Broker function. A subsequent message will usually indicate the effects of the failure. This message may indicate a Data Object Broker internal problem.
If you suspect that this is a Data Object Broker internal problem then contact TIBCO Support. Be prepared to submit a copy of the Data Object Broker log file and any core file produced as a result of this problem.
Node % accepting connections on interface address % socket port %
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This information message in the DOB log displays the communications adapter IP address and the socket port number for the listening port for all connections to the DOB. The information is displayed to assist DOB administrators debug connection problems with the DOB.
No action is required.
SHUTDOWN and STOP commands cannot be used when the DOB runs as a service; use the Windows NET command to shutdown the DOB
DOB Supervisor Tasks
On Windows, the DOB was started as a service but an "HRNCR STOP" or "HRNCR SHUTDOWN" command was entered on the command line to shut down the DOB. This is not permitted.
Use the Windows .NET command to stop the DOB running as a service.
Redolog surplus capacity=%
DOB Supervisor Tasks
This message appears when the Data Object Broker is shut down. It is an information message, indicating how many pages are still available at the redolog high-water mark of usage.
No action is required. If the capacity is close to 0, then the Data Object Broker is close to quiescing, and you may consider increasing the size of the redolog.

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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved