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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Using Messages Without Identifiers : Messages beginning with: M

Messages beginning with: M
Made % change(s)
Rule Editor
The indicated number of changes were made to the rule when the CHANGE ALL command was executed.
No action required.
Made % changes
Character-based Text Editor
The CHANGE command with the ALL option made the given number of changes.
No action required.
Make a proper selection
Tool for CA IDMS Data
You must select an item.
Type an S beside the desired option and press <Enter>.
The transaction you have attempted to manually commit or abort cannot be processed because of its current status. Possible reasons are an abort in progress, resolution query request, TDS processing deferred, or commit complete._Check the TIBOC Object Service Broker Administration Menu online help for more details on indoubt transaction.
No action required.
Mask selection cancelled
Report Generator
The display mask selection was canceled because you did not place the cursor in a valid area.
Choose a display mask again and move the cursor to a line with a field name or function-field name pair before you press <ENTER>.
Max # of rows exceeded. Line command % cannot be executed
Table Definer
The indicated line command is not executed because the number of rows allowed is limited.
Remove the line command to continue working in the Table Definer.
MAX ACR ^= 0 only allowed for BREAKs with a BODY report table
Report Definer
The only break tables that can repeat across are those associated with a body report table.
Set the MAX ACR field to 0.
MAX ACR for BREAK must be 0 or MAX ACR for BODY report table
Report Definer
A break table within a body report table must have the MAX ACR field set to one of the following:
The same across value as the body report table, indicating that it will repeat across the same number of times.
Correct the MAX ACR field for the break table.
MAX ACROSS for break table "%" not the same as MAX ACROSS for body table "%"
Report Server
The MAX ACROSS value for break and body tables must be the same so that columns and headings will align on panelled pages for an Across Report.
Use the Report Definer to correct the definition of the report.
MAXACROSS for body table "%" zero when TITLE COLUMNs or FINAL COLUMNs not zero
Report Server
The number of title columns and final columns must be zero unless the report is an Across Report.
Use the Report Definer to do one of the following:
Make the report an Across Report by setting MAX ACROSS to an asterisk (*) or a positive number.
Maximum CTABLE size exceeded for table "%"
The size of the definition of the table exceeds the limit of 6 KB.
Correct the definition of the table so that the total size is less than 6 KB.
Maximum level of nesting in % exceeded, increase level by %
Backing a change requires a certain minimum level of transaction nesting, and you cannot backout a change until you increase the maximum by the suggested amount.
Increase the maximum level of transaction nesting by the suggested amount.
Maximum number of % control fields applies; limit exceeded
Report Definer
The control field limit is exceeded.
Remove control fields until the specified limit is no longer exceeded.
Maximum number of ORDER fields exceeded for table "%"
The number of ordering fields in a request, added to the number of any stored ordering fields, cannot exceed 15.
Remove some of the ORDER specifications on fields of the indicated table.
Maximum number of parameters allowed is %
Table Editor
A table cannot have more than the specified number of parameters. You have specified more than this maximum.
Reduce the number of parameters specified, or do not supply any and you will be prompted for them.
Maximum number of parameters allowed is 4
Batch Control Card
You specified more than four parameters in the selection string.
Change the selection string so that it contains the correct number of parameters for the selected table.
Maximum number of report fields is %
Report Definer
The current maximum number of report fields within a report table is indicated. The action you have requested would result in more than the maximum number of defined report fields.
Do not attempt to add more report fields than the maximum allowed.
Maximum of % allowed; % were selected
Field Help for Reference
Too many prompt values were selected.
Limit the number of prompt values selected to the maximum indicated.
Maximum of % key components are allowed for a composite key
Table Definer
You specified more than the indicated maximum number of fields as primary keys.
Remove the P designation from some of the fields. Ensure that the primary key fields are consecutive.
Maximum report width is %
Report Definer
The report is over the maximum width indicated.
Do not attempt to exceed the indicated maximum.
Maximum row at which new field may be defined is %
Report Definer
You tried to define a field on a row beyond the allowable maximum row.
Change the row of the field to one within the allowed row limit.
Maximum row which can be referenced is "%"
Report Definer
The message specifies the maximum row at which a report field can be added or moved.
Do not define a report field on any row greater than the specified maximum.
Maximum value is 32400 seconds
Batch Submission Tool
The number of seconds specified on the queue definition screen cannot exceed 32400 seconds.
Enter a number between 0 and 32400.
Member "%" not found
Builtin Routines
The named member could not be found in the partitioned data set.
Try another member name.
Member name can not be used. In use for %
Static SQL for DB2 Gateway
A member suffix has been supplied, but it is already being used for the generation of Static SQL for another table.
Choose a different, unique member suffix.
You have specified a valid address; however, the projected length of the memory to be retrieved extends beyond the area control by the Data Object Broker.
Specify a retrieval length and retry your request.
Memory operation would be destructive
Builtin Routines
The memory operation requested of $MEMCPY or $MOVEDATA involves overlapping blocks of storage, and cannot be performed without guaranteeing loss of data.
Only use $MEMCPY and $MOVEDATA for non-overlapping blocks of storage.
An error was detected when attempting to issue the storage retrieval request.
Review the syslog to determine if additional messages where produced that may help identify the cause of the problem. Retry the request. If the problem persists contact TIBCO Support.
Menu "%" not found
Session Manager
You called a session manager or DISPLAY_MENU with a menu name that does not appear in the SESSION_MENUS table.
Correct the menu name.
Menu % deleted
Menu Definer
The specified menu is deleted.
No action required.
Menu % does not exist
Menu Definer
You called the display menu or a session manager entry point with the name of a menu that does not exist.
Correct the name.
Menu % saved
Menu Definer
The menu is saved.
No action required.
Menu deletion cancelled
Menu Definer
The deletion of a menu was canceled because a key other than <PF22> was pressed.
No action required.
Menu name % conflicts with an existing screen
Menu Definer
The name of a new menu is the same as an existing screen. DEFINE_MENU cannot make a new screen as requested.
Change the name of the menu.
Menus with entries positioned at LEFT are no longer supported
Menu Definer
In a former incarnation of the Menu Manager, menus having user entries positioned to the left of their descriptions were allowed. This format is no longer supported by the Menu Manager.
To save changes to an existing menu with entries positioned on the left, modify the positioning information to have entries on the right, or cancel changes. New menus must be saved such that entries are positioned on the right.
Message could not be sent to location "%" peerseverid "%"
A communications or Object Service Broker message switch failure occurred trying to send a message to another location.
Verify that the location is valid. If not, correct using the Rule Editor and/or Table Definer. If the location is valid, then confirm that the location is configured and available. Ensure that the remote table access is not being initiated from an event rule running in a remote peer server as only local table accesses are allowed in that configuration.
Message length error when binding table "%"
The GET occurrence passed the end of the message.
Contact TIBCO Support.
Message log media must be "SCR" or "PRT"
The message log can be sent to either the online log file or to the printer.
Specify either SCR or PRT as the choice of media.
Message log overflow - specify record limit
Report Generator
The report is too big to be printed in the message log.
Specify a lower record limit.
Message log overflow - too many messages inserted into the message log
Builtin Routines
There are too many messages for the SCR print destination.
Use a different media: PRT or file. Alternatively, adjust the MSGLOGMAX session parameter.
Message log overflow
Report Server
The report that you are printing exceeded the maximum storage limit of media SCR.
Do one of the following:
Limit the number of occurrences that you insert into the report by using the $RPTOCCLIMIT tool.
Metadata table definition of field does not match DB2's: field "%"
Static SQL for DB2 Gateway
When the external table for DB2 data was defined in the MetaStor, the field in question had a particular set of attributes on the DB2 system. When the definition of that field was retrieved from DB2, its attributes were different from when the external table was defined.
Use the Table Definer to redefine and save the external table for DB2 data, then try the Static SQL generation again.
Mismatch between EMSWIRECODEPAGE and national language settings
POSIX ON support for EMS
The value of the parameter EMSWIRECODEPAGE must be either UTF-8 or match the code page name in the ASCII occurrence of @NLS1, if present, or ISO8859-1 (the default), if not present.
Correct the value of the EMSWIRECODEPAGE parameter.
Mismatch on %, table now has data and % was "%"; cannot save
Table Definer
Data has been added to the table definition since the Table Definer was opened but non-permissible changes have been made to the indicated field.
If the definer you are using allows it, you can set the attribute value back to the value indicated in the message. Otherwise you can save as a new table definition or exit without saving.
Mismatched quotes detected by "%"
Builtin Routines
An argument for the specified routine contains mismatched quotation marks.
Balance the quotation marks.
Missing a value for the primary key(s) of table '%'
Copy Definition
One of the primary key values is missing for the specified table.
Quit the tool, and provide primary key value for table.
Missing dataset name for "%", file has not been opened
Builtin Routines
You called @READDSN or @WRITEDSN, but did not call @OPENDSN before.
Ensure that you call @OPENDSN first.
Missing documentation/unit for selected % %
No documentation exists for the specified screen, report or table.
Provide documentation by using the E line command.
Missing KEY data from % at OFFSET=% -- see OFFSETS or FIELDS.
CA Datacom Table Definer
You are defining extensions to core definition information in a DAT Table Definition. These extensions are for the fields of the Object Service Broker table and provide additional field attributes. To define a Object Service Broker table on a CA-Datacom table, you must have all the parts of the CA-Datacom table key included in the Object Service Broker definition. You are missing the CA-Datacom key data at the offset mentioned.
Do one of the following:
Review the OFFSETS information in the current screen to see that the mentioned offset is not included, or
Review the OFFSETS information for the CA-Datacom table fields by requesting the FIELDS function and then looking for the mentioned offset in the list of CA-Datacom fields for the CA-Datacom table you are using.
Missing left parenthesis
Global Cross Ref. Search
A query is missing a left parenthesis.
Correct the query.
Missing parm table for '%'
Delete Definition
You are trying to delete an object and this process may require deletion of several tables. A PRM table is required in order to delete some of the tables and one of these PRM tables does not exist.
Check the message log to see which PRM table is missing. Define that PRM table and retry the operation again.
Mixed-case password update failed; set value back to %
You updated the mixed-case password field in your user profile and saved, but the routine that updates this value failed.
If you want to save other profile changes, set the value back to the previous value as show in the message and save otherwise, cancel. If you still want to update the mixed-case password value, contact your Security or System Administrator to make the change.
Modify % or % to remove overlap
Report Definer
The indicated fields overlap.
Change the row or column of the indicated fields to remove the overlap.
Modify definition of % % by % denied
Audit Log Message
MODIFY_DEFINITION access to this object by the specified user was denied.
The user can ask someone who has CONTROL access to the object to provide MODIFY_DEFINITION access.
Modify definition of % % by % to remove default library permission % from %
Audit Log Message
The specified default permissions for newly created libraries were removed from the indicated user or group.
No action required.
Modify definition of % % by % to remove default report permission % from %
Audit Log Message
The specified default permissions for newly created reports were removed from the indicated user or group.
No action required.
Modify definition of % % by % to remove default screen permission % from %
Audit Log Message
The specified default permissions for newly created screens were removed from the indicated user or group.
No action required.
Modify definition of % % by % to remove default table permission % from %
Audit Log Message
The specified default permissions for newly created tables were removed from the indicated user or group.
No action required.
Modify definition of % % by % to set default library permission % to %
Audit Log Message
The indicated default access permissions will be used for libraries created by the indicated user or group.
No action required.
Modify definition of % % by % to set default report permission % to %
Audit Log Message
The indicated default access permissions will be used for reports created by the indicated user or group.
No action required.
Modify definition of % % by % to set default screen permission % to %
Audit Log Message
The indicated default access permissions will be used for screens created by the indicated user or group.
No action required.
Modify definition of % % by % to set default table permission % to %
Audit Log Message
The indicated default access permissions will be used for tables created by the indicated user or group.
No action required.
Modify definition of AUDITLOG by % to specify archived file name % denied
Audit Log Message
The user was denied access to change the name of the archive file for the audit log data.
The user can check with the Security Administrator to get access to the facility.
Modify definition of AUDITLOG by % to specify archived file name %
Audit Log Message
The user has specified the given file as the archive file for the backed up audit log data.
No action required.
Modify definition of GROUP % by %
Audit Log Message
The definition of the specified group object was modified.
No action required.
Modify definition of GROUP % by % to add user member %
Audit Log Message
The indicated TIBCO Object Servcie Broker userid was added to the indicated group.
No action required.
Modify definition of GROUP % by % to change view group access for %
Audit Log Message
The view access to the given group was changed for the specified user.
No action required.
Modify definition of GROUP % by % to delete user member %
Audit Log Message
The indicated Object Service Broker userid was deleted from the indicated group.
No action required.
Modifying % bound objects
The specified number of objects were unbound in order to apply changes to those objects.
No action required.
Module ; must be LINK EDITED with AMODE(31)
Builtin Routines
The indicated module must be LINK EDITED with AMODE(31).
Review and implement the procedure for the creation of this module.
Module ; not found in EXLIB or STEPLIB
Builtin Routines
The indicated load module was not found.
Review and implement the procedure for the creation of this module.
More than 4 parameters; No % loaded
Tables cannot have more than four parameters.
Correct the definition of the source table.
Move cursor to Display Mask section and press % to continue
Report Generator
You selected a display mask, but did not move the cursor to the line for the field or function-field pair that you want to display with the mask.
Use the cursor to indicate the field or function-field pair that gets the display mask, and press <ENTER> to complete the display mask specification.
MU/SPECIAL FLD IN GRP must be "Y" as not all fields in the group are defined
Adabas Definer
You entered an invalid value for MU/Special Fld in Grp. It must have a value of Y since not all the fields in the group are selected.
Set MU/Special Fld in Grp to Y.
MU/SPECIAL FLD IN GRP must be "Y" as the group contains a Special field
Adabas Definer
You entered an invalid value for MU/Special Fld in Grp. It must have a value of Y since the group contains a Special field.
Set MU/Special Fld in Grp to Y.
MU/SPECIAL FLD IN GRP must be 'Y' as there is a 'MU' field in the group
Adabas Definer
You entered an invalid value for MU/Special Fld in Grp. It must have a value of Y since the group contains a MU field.
Set MU/Special Fld in Grp to Y.
MU/SPECIAL FLD IN GRP must be 'Y' as there is an overridden external field format in the table
Adabas Definer
You entered an invalid value for field MU/Special fld in Grp. The value must be Y, since you have requested that the default ADABAS field definition is to be overridden by the server.
Specify Y for MU/Special fld in Grp.
Multiple fields and non-repeating group fields cannot be mixed
Adabas Definer
You selected repeating fields and non-repeating fields. This selection is invalid.
Select only repeating fields or non-repeating fields.
Must e(X)pand data rights for object "%" before obtaining
Cannot obtain data rights from this screen for this table.
Type object command X which will take you to a screen where you may obtain data rights.

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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved