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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Chapter 3 Tools : LLOAD

Loads definitions and data of TIBCO Object Service Broker objects that were previously unloaded from files with names in mixed case or lowercase. (CE)
Do one of the following:
Type LLOAD <Enter>
Pressing Enter displays the screen shown here:

LLOAD Utility
File name:
Log msgs to: SCR

In the File Name field, type the name of the file to be unloaded. Valid values for the Log msgs to field are SCR or PRT; SCR is the default.
Items being loaded must have been unloaded using UNLOAD, UNLOAD_DATA, UNLOAD_DEFN, or UNLOADLIBRARY. Refer to the appropriate entries in this manual for more information about these tools.
If the data is being loaded into a table that uses required, reference, or default fields, you must have MODIFY_DEFN rights to that table to load the data.

Usage Notes
The value for importfile must be a fully qualified data set name.
If you are loading a file from Windows or Solaris
Specify either the full path or only the filename. If you specify only the filename, the DSDIR Execution Environment parameter must be set to point to the directory to use. Refer to the TIBCO Object Service Broker Parameters manual for more information about this parameter.
It is replaced with the rule being loaded. Rules being loaded are saved in the current local library.
You want to load large volumes of data quickly
You are loading a table, screen, or report definition
No definition (and associated occurrences) is loaded if the item already exists.
The table must already exist. At minimum, it must contain the same fields (extra fields take on the default value). Changes in type, syntax and field order are allowed. If conversion errors result, that occurrence only is skipped.
LLOAD functions in exactly the same way as LOAD, except that with LLOAD you can load files with names that are in mixed case or in lowercase in operating environments (such as Solaris) that are case sensitive in their handling of filenames.
Certain options are disabled when loading TDS data. These include reference checking, defaults, event rules, and the IDgen flag.
When loading the definition and data of a table that has a secondary index, the secondary index is lost and the indicator is removed from the definition. You must run SIXBUILD to recreate the index.
To LLOAD a DB2 table definition that was unloaded from Release 5.0.0 into the current release, set library to S6B50DB2 and execute the LLOAD tool. That task loads the definition and converts it to the format of the current release.
See Also
TIBCO Object Service Broker for z/OS Utilities or TIBCO Object Service Broker for Open Systems Utilities for information about the batch load utilities.
TIBCO Object Service Broker Parameters for information on the DSBIFTYPE Execution Environment parameter.
On z/OS, specifying the following value loads the items in the data set USR40.EXAMPLE.DATA(RULES). By default, any messages are sent to the screen:
Log msgs to: SCR
On Open Systems, specifying the following value loads the items in the file rules; your DSDIR session option determines the directory. Any messages are sent to the printer:
File Name: rules
Log msgs to: PRT

Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved