TIBCO Environment

The TIBCO environment is a directory where one or more TIBCO products are installed. It is also called installation directory or TIBCO home because it corresponds to the environment variable $TIBCO_HOME.

The installer prompts you to specify or create a TIBCO environment. An environment consists of a name, description, and directory on the disk. Each TIBCO environment is isolated so the same software can be installed into the different environments safely (e.g. different versions of the same software). You can also install multiple TIBCO products into the same environment.

Each time you run the installer, it asks you which TIBCO environment to use. An installer installs or uninstalls a product from a TIBCO environment. If you want to install several times the same product, then you have to do it in different TIBCO environment. Each time, you have to run the installer (an installation session only deals with one single TIBCO environment).

Before installing a product in a particular TIBCO environment, the installer verifies that all the dependencies are already installed in that TIBCO environment.

By default, the installer suggests to use the following directories as TIBCO environment (i.e. TIBCO_HOME):

  • For root users, the default installation directory is /opt/tibco.
  • For non-root users, the default installation directory is /myhome/tibco, where myhome is the home directory of the user.

You can choose any other directory. For performance reasons, it is a good practice to install the product on a local disk (as opposed to network-mounted or Network File System partition).