Data Service

Data Service is used to add, update, or modify the User Defined Fields at the plans and plan items level. There are two types of data services.
  • Set plan or set plan items: This service is used to add, update, or modify the User Defined Fields at the set plan or set plan items level.
  • Get plan or get plan items: Through this service, a user receives the updated User Defined Fields at the get plan or get plan items level.

The request message format are as follows:



Element Name Element Type Description
businessTransactionId string (Optional) Transaction Id sent by client.
plan PlanSetType Type of plan.
replace replaceType (Optional) Type of replace.
orderId string (Optional) Id of an Order.
orderRef string (Optional) Order reference Id.
planId string Unique identifier for the plan.
planItems PlanItemSetType Composite object with information on plan.
udfs UdfSetType (Optional) Composite object with information related to UserDefined Field that is user defined data.
planItemId string Unique Id identifying the plan Item.
planItemName string (Optional) Name of the plan item.
correlationId string (Optional) Unique identifier for the correlation.
resultStatus ResultStatus (Optional) Status of the result.
code string Code of a plan.
component string (Optional) Name of the component.
deployment string Deployment of plan.
message string A descriptive text string associated with the code.
operation string This text field identifies the operation in progress at the point of failure.
service string Service of plan.
severity string

A single character {F E W I S}.

F- Fatal, E - Error, W - Warning, I - Information, and S - Success.

description string (Optional) Description pf plan.
dependentIds string (Optional) Plan Item Ids of dependent products for this plan item.
endTimestamp long (Optional) Timestamp that indicates when the plan item completed execution.
startTimestamp long (Optional) Timestamp that indicates when the plan item started execution.
parentIds string (Optional) Unique parent id.
siblingIds string (Optional) Id of the siblings.
planFragment PlanFragment (Optional) The process component to invoke when executing the plan item.
action string (Optional) Action for the plan Item.
status string (Optional) Status of the plan.
statusChanged dateTime (Optional) Date Time when the last status was changed.
milestones PlanItemMilestone (Optional) Milestone of the plan.

The reply message format are as follows:

