Creating a PostgreSQL Database for the Admin User and Default Tenant

Create a PostgreSQL database by configuring and running the following script: $OM_HOME/db/postgreSQL/oms/


  1. Open in a suitable editor and update the following values in the script:
    Property Update the Value for
    PG_HOST PostgreSQL database host
    PGPORT PostgreSQL port
    pg_super_user_name PostgreSQL superuser name
    pg_super_user_password PostgreSQL superuser password
    pg_admin_user New Order Management Server admin user
    pg_admin_password Password for the Order Management Server admin user
    pg_admin_database Order Management Server admin database name
    pg_admin_schema Order Management Server admin schema
    pg_admin_tablespace Order Management Server admin tablespace
    pg_admin_tablespace_location Order Management Server admin tablespace location
  2. Save and close the file.
  3. Run the script.