Submit Order

This operation accepts an order for the submission to the order management system and returns the order ID and order reference to the calling application.

  • If the order is being submitted for the first time, do not specify the Order ID in the input. A value is generated internally.

The request message format is as follows:

Submit Order Request
Submit Order Request attributes
Element Name Element Type Description
orderRequest orderRequest


Order data structure. Data model for Order is defined in (refer section Common Data Format Specifications).

The reply message format is as follows:

Submit Order Response
Submit Order Response attributes
Element Name Element Type Description
ExternalBusinessTransactionID String Transaction ID sent by the client.
BusinessTransactionID String Transaction ID generated by Order Management Server, and used internally by Order Management Server and Orchestrator.
orderID String


Order ID generated by the order manager (Order Management Server). If the order fails validation, this is omitted.
orderRef String


Client order reference.