Troubleshooting Error from Building Docker Images

Troubleshoot an error when building Docker images with the following steps.

  1. Complete the following steps if the following error occurs when building Docker images:
rm: cannot remove '/home/tibuser/tibco/om-lr/5.0/configurator/standalone/config/backup': Directory not empty


  1. Run the following command on the host machine:
    $] docker info | grep 'Storage Driver' | awk -F':' '{print $2}'
  2. If the output is overlay, then apply the following workaround:
    1. Stop the Docker engine.
    2. Changed DOCKER_OPTS to set storage-driver value to device mapper, edit /etc/docker/daemon.json, and add "storage-driver" : "devicemapper" at the end of existing keys.
    3. Start the Docker engine.
      Note: You can lose the existing Docker images due to the above change.
    4. Verify the fix by running the following command:
      $] docker info | grep 'Storage Driver' | awk -F':' '{print $2}'