
StreamBase Runtime — StreamBase Runtime command


epadmin [global-parameters] [command] [target] [parameters]

help [target]

epadmin [servicename=name]
help [target]


Use the epadmin command to query and administer your StreamBase Runtime nodes and clusters. Use epadmin from a configured shell prompt as follows:

Use the epadmin command to:

The components of an epadmin command are:

  • global-parameters is one or more parameter= statements from the short list of global parameters that can apply to any epadmin command and target. See epadmin help globals for the list.

  • command is an imperative verb such as install, start, stop, help, display that is to be applied to the target.

  • target is one of the supported targets for the command to act on, such as node, cluster, application, engine.

  • parameters is one or more parameter= statements from the list of parameters supported by the specific command and target.

The epadmin command has extensive built-in help. Enter epadmin help to see the help starting point. This tells you that six help targets do not require a global parameter:

epadmin version
epadmin help
epadmin help node
epadmin help services
epadmin help snapshot
epadmin help globals

The epadmin help node command is especially useful to remind you of the syntax to install and start nodes.

Other help targets require the service name of an installed node in order to provide accurate help for the services provided by that node. To return a list of valid help targets for the node A.sbuser, use this command:

epadmin servicename=A.sbuser help

For a node containing an EventFlow fragment, this command returns a list of targets for which you can view help text. For example:

adapter application artifact availabilityzone breakpoint cache cluster 
configuration connection container endpoint engine globaltransaction 
history logging node object operator partition playback querytable 
record router security services snapshot statistics stream tunable

The full syntax of the epadmin command is described in a separate documentation page.