TIBCO ActiveSpaces Adapter

The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for TIBCO ActiveSpaces is implemented as a suite of seven single-purpose global Java operators, each handling one of the following actions:

  • TIBCO ActiveSpaces Put, which adds to the Space.

  • TIBCO ActiveSpaces Get/Take, which retrieves from the Space.

  • TIBCO ActiveSpaces Lock/Unlock, which performs locking operations on tuples in the Space.

  • TIBCO ActiveSpaces Browse, which lists some or all tuples in the Space.

  • TIBCO ActiveSpaces Listen, which asynchronously informs of Take, Put, Expire, or Evict events on the Space.

  • TIBCO ActiveSpaces Transaction Operations, which perform Begin, Commit, and Rollback operations on the Space.

  • TIBCO ActiveSpaces Control, which allows your StreamBase application to connect to and disconnect from a Space, as well as to obtain metric information from it such as the number of tuples contained therein.

The TIBCO ActiveSpaces operators allow a StreamBase application to connect to a TIBCO ActiveSpaces metaspace and exchange tuples with it. The seven ActiveSpaces operators are described together on a single page of the Authoring Guide: Using the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Operators